Chapter 24

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"The Chameleon, eh?" Alec asked, standing up slowly, keeping his hands raised. "Man, what is it with people and giving themselves nicknames similar to animals?" He looked from Doc and Zavixx, to Leps and Viribus, raising an eyebrow at the Mercs.

"Hey, Don't look at me." Leps snapped, appearing to have stopped the bleeding. "I didn't choose to be called 'little Rabbit' that Skrak stuck to me because some drunk ass saw my mask and gear and called me that."

"Yeah. She only puts up with that nickname if I call her that." Viribus told Alec, getting a hard punch from Leps in his arm.

"Shut up! All of you!" Amelia snapped, pointing the gun at the two Mercs, then back at Alec. "The RMP will be happy to have two defectors turned in.. maybe they'll pay me extra."

"You little cu-" Leps snarled, taking a step towards Amelia, getting stopped by Viribus grabbing her arm. "You know damn well that isn't the case!"

"Ladies, Ladies." Alec told the two women, stepping between Leps and Amelia. "How about we just take the easy route, and just talk this out?" He suggested, shooting a glare at back at Leps, before looking back to Amelia. "I'm sure you're a reasonable woman."

"Reasonable? Do you take me fore some kind of moron?" Amelia asked, jamming the barrel of the gun into Alec's jaw. "After you're handed over to the RMP, this entire fucking shithole gets purged."

Zavixx took a step forward, looking ready to carve the gun toting Merc up, but stopped when Doc stuck out his cane, halting his progress.

"I would not recommend that." Alec calmly replied, gently pushing the gun away from his face. "Junkers are a bit... resilient, and when it comes to this lot, They're pretty damn tough."

Slamming the butt of the rifle into Alec's stomach,forcing the larger man to drop to his hands and knees, coughing, Amelia aimed the gun down at Alec. "I don't give a damn what they are." She snapped. "They had their chances to turn you in, and now they pay the price."

Viribus, who was holding Leps back from lunging at Amelia, looked down at his snarling, hissing Spotters, when something caught his eye.

On the bar, shining through a window behind the bar, a small, bright blue dot hovered in place, before slowly moving off the bar, heading towards Amelia.

"So... I gotta ask, Amelia." Viribus asked, getting the woman's attention. "Every Merc has some kind of inside source. I've got mine... who's yours?"

"What the Hel are you talking about?" She scoffed, putting a sharp heeled shoe on Alec's head. ""Inside info?"

"Come on, Chameleon." Viribus laughed, watching as the blue dot crawled from the floor to Amelia's exposed leg. "Don't act dumb. There's a snitch here. Who ratted out the Demon?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Amelia sneered, stepping forward past Alec, and stopping metr inches from Viribus, unknowingly making the blue dot dead center in her forehead. "It's not gonna matter anyway."

"You're right... because I'm gonna find out, either way." Viribus told Amelia, staring at the dot on her head, which was blinking rapidly. "Do me a favor, Chameleon."

"What would that be?" Amelia asked, looking slightly confused, but more smug than anything.

"Tell Boris I say hello when you get to Hel." Viribus told her, before grabbing Leps and pushing her down, diving on top of her.

Amelia had only a moment to register confusion, before the low pop of a gun could be heard from outside, a portion of the window blew inwards, and her head snapped back, the back of her head popping, covering Alec in a few pieces of blood and brains.

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