✨When In An Arguement✨

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•When in an arguement, they'll try their best not to get personal, but no matter how much he tries, theres always something he says that upsets you

•He'll be the first to apologize, ofcourse

•But no matter how much he does, the arguement goes on

•You'll probably end up crying

•He doesn't like when that happens, so he'll drop the arguement and start to comfort you

•He'll say things like "I love you, and only you" or "I promise I'll never leave you" or even "If It's for you, I won't hesitate to sacrifice myself for you"

•After a while, you'll finally feel better again, and you two will start loving each other again

•You'll literally just forget the arguement after that


•When in an arguement, he'll listen to everything you say, and won't speak until you're done

•He'll try to make you underatand his words and make it very detailed

•He tries his best to just end the arguement cause' he's afraid he might lose you

•If he can't take it anymore, he'll straight up just hug you and try his best to comfort you

•It's all so sudden, but you being you, it never hurts to hug back

•So then you two would start cheering up again

•And at the end of the day, you guys would be having ice cream at a fancy restaurant


•When in an arguement, he's not really good with his choice of words

•He might accidentally end up hurting your feelings and make you more upset

•The arguement would end up lasting for a whole day, and he'd asks Lupin for advice, and Lupin being Lupin, he'd give him his "best" advice

•The next time you see each other, he might have a whole fancy suit and things you'd have on an anniversary

•You find this stupid, but also romantic, so then, you two would make up and be fine again


•When in an arguement, he's a worrying mess, he's worried he won't be able to cheer you up and make you feel fine again

•He'll try his best to make you happy again, but It's honestly too new for him

•He'll tell you how much he loves you, and how he'll never leave you

•He'll probably be the one crying

•This always makes you feel bad, and It's enough for you to end the arguement and just start to comfort the poor man again

•After the arguement, he'd spent the rest of the day clinging onto you and making you feel loved and cherished


•When in an arguement, she'll start to regret everything she ever did to make you upset

•She'll try to drop the arguement early, but this always annoys you, it makes you think she doesn't even wanna talk about it

•When you two start arguing, It's mostly her fault

•She'll try to comfort you when you can't take it anymore, and since you have no choice, you just let her do her thing, and it always works

•The next day you'll probably be back to loving and playing with each other

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