ー seventeen.

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❝i bet you take too much drugs❞ーsakusa y/n

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i bet you take too much drugs
sakusa y/n


before todo landed another one, y/n dashed between him and megumi as she touches the ground, a tree grew out of it below her, making y/n sat on the branch.

todo didn't notices her presence as he punched the tree but was pushed down roughly, making the ground below him crushed. y/n glared at the male with her legs crossed.

todo stood up and hissed at the pain on his body. his eyes trailed to the tree, staring from the bottom to the top, not realizing another students' presences, panda and toge.

toge used his cursed technique to stop todo from moving.

"idiot, causing a scene without any reason at all..." y/n spoke up as she locked her eyes with the buff male.

entering todo's delusional dream

todo was kneeling on the ground, a sad look on his face due to the rejection he received from his crush, takada-chan. he has no one to get comfort. his classmates and schoolmates just walked pass, not giving him a single glance until someone tapped on his shoulder.

todo raised his head and widened his eyes as he saw a girl with dark, curly short hair wearing a facial mask and was extending her hand to him. on her hand, she held a tissue for him to wipe his tears. todo just stared at the female, not giving a glance at the tissue.

"here, take some tissues and wipe those disgusting snots and tears of yours... and i'm not good at comforting people but..." she looked away for a moment and stared back at his dark orbs "you deserve someone better. try to find another one and make a move on her, or him" the girl softly smiled behind her mask.

todo gently took her hand with both of his hands. the girl's hand was smaller compare to his big ones. he once again locked their eyes together as he smiled, his face went warm a bit.

"what if i tell you that i already found one?" he spoke, making the girl blushed slightly.

"we don't even know each other, senpai" she said.

"no worries, we can get to know each other more from now on".

//author is wheezing at the bg//

exiting todo's delusional dream

y/n was uncomfortable by his stare and cleared her throat. she made the tree shrank as it disappeared and y/n finally landed on the ground. the buff male abruptly stood up and made his way to the female.

y/n being y/n trying to keep a distance between them and he noticed. panda wanted to stop him so he spoke something about the female.

"sorry, but do keep your distance with her. she hates germs"

"tuna" toge said.

eventually todo listened them but his eyes kept on gazing at her.

"...you're the one who comforted me back then, when i was so heartbroken, you were there, handed me a tissue and giving me a good advice" he said as he gave her a warm smile.

y/n tilted her head in confusion 'is he sick? does he have mental issues or what?' she continued listening to his talk about how both of them became friends and probably even more.

"good grief, he needs help"

"good grief, he needs help"

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edited ver.

i am sorry if it's terribleee and dryyyy. n e ways, 70K READS?! NANI?! *inhales exhales inhales exhales* TYSM FOR READING THIS CRAP OML--

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