The truth

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Since the little argument Katara Aang had, the whole gang had been avoiding them.

"Hey Katara, may I talk to you?" Suki asked out of no where.

"Sure?!" Katara answered unsurely.

*in suki's tent.

"What's up with you and Aang? There has got to be someone else right, I mean if you refuse to be with the AVATAR, then it's got to be someone great!" suki talked so fast that Katara couldn't keep up.

"To be honest with you, there IS someone else... I think. I'm not sure what I feel about him, but he's strong, sweet, just straight up amazing... if there is one word to describe him it's wow!" And at that moment Suki just knew that Katara was talking about Zuko!

"OMG... ITS ZUKO!" "SHHHH! Do you want the whole world to know about this?" But she knew that it was the truth!

Zuko was just walking past the tent so he heard everything and gave a smile!



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