Realization Means Torture

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"What do you mean the Black Bulls will take care of Emma?" Charlotte blew her lid at his suggestion and Yami had no idea why. The ritual would take place 2 days from now, on the night of the full moon and he suggested to have the Black Bulls guard Emma until then.
"Given the situation, it's only logical to separate you two until we know how to defeat the enemy and rescue the hostages. We can't risk having the two of you getting caught together."
"Are you insinuating that I can't protect Emma?"
"That's not what I was trying to say, must you -" Yami caught himself before sighing. "Can I talk to you for a bit?"
Charlotte didn't argue but she was still staring daggers at him as she walked towards the door to leave the study.
He saw how restless the rest of the Blue Rose were while the Black Bulls just looked mildly curious at the sudden development. Yami didn't really care about being seen by his squad but Charlotte might. She's proud but deeply respected by her squad, she wouldn't appreciate him arguing with her in front of them.
Being considerate would be the death of him, he scratched his head as he followed the Blue Rose captain.
Charlotte faced him crossed her arms in front of her when they reached outside the study. She looked stern and was glaring at him, she was obviously displeased with him but why couldn't he help but notice how beautiful she was? And honestly? He liked seeing her expressions aside from her usual cool expression. But of course she'd have his head in a platter the minute he let his amusement show. He fought the urge to smile at the thought.
"So?" Charlotte's irritated voice snapped him back from his stupor.
He almost grimaced at his foolishness. She was standing there looking at him like he's some dirt under her shoe but he's acting like a lovestruck teenage--! Then the realization hit him. "Fuck."

Charlotte was taken aback at the sudden expletive, she took a step back. Yami's expression turned from shocked to grim. His brows furrowed and his lips pursed. He looked irritated. Was he that annoyed she wouldn't let him guard Emma? He really liked young dainty girls after all...
Charlotte clenched her fists and stood her ground. "I insist, the Blue Rose will guard the last girl, Yami."
"Why are you being stubborn about this? Keeping you safe means keeping the devil from being summoned-"
"That practically means you just want me out of the way, doesn't it?" she cut him off. "This is my curse and I mean to put an end to this myself."
"Well I'm not just gonna stand by and watch you get yourself..." Yami didn't continue. He shut his mouth tightly again as his aura became murderous, she was certain everyone in the entire manor felt it.
But Charlotte refused to be intimidated. He's not the only one who became stronger this past three years. If there's anyone who needed saving, she'd make damn sure it wasn't her. "We'll keep Emma safe while your squad search the entire town for that mage and the missing girls, understand?" She turned to go back to the study but Yami grabbed her arm.
"Why couldn't you listen for once?" he sounded exasperated.
It took everything she had to stop herself from lashing out to him and breaking down. She pulled her arm away from his grip. If he wanted to chase some other girl, she'd never play a part in it. "Do you question my ability to protect her?"
"No, of course not," he answered immediately which calmed her a little.
"Then there's no problem, is there?"
Yami looked lost for words and Charlotte took the opportunity to leave.

Yami wanted to bang his head to the nearest wall. But of course he couldn't do that just because Charlotte wouldn't appreciate him destroying her family home, would she?
He scratched his head violently. This loving business was totally unbecoming of him. He's turning into a schnook trying to please her. How the hell did he fall for the one woman that he knew hated him the moment they've met? He really was stupid.
Now's not the time for this, he reminded himself. He would protect his Prickly Queen whether she liked it or not. Whether she's in love with somebody else or not. Fuck it. Even if she hated him, she'd have to be alive to do it.
"Zora," he called out over his shoulder.
A bored Zora Ideale stepped out from the shadows and answered his captain's call. "That went well," he said sarcastically, letting on that he had witness their little scene.
Zora never liked to be in an enclosed room especially with nobles around. Like the rebel that he was, he ditched the meeting and took off.
Yami had a really bad feeling about this. He just hoped his gut was wrong. But it's rarely wrong and that's the problem. "I want you to do something for me."

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