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| i kind of wanted to give tanaka an accent


"Would you stop it! Mam already had dilemmas with herself and now you're adding to them!"

A male with bright silver hair scolded, voice roaring with irritation. He was scolding a family of his, Tanaka Ryunosuke, a clear shaved head, and a sheepish look. His face was covered in bruises, red, blue, and a hue of pink due to embarrassment.

"'m sorry Suga- it's jus' 'em basterds keep messin' 'bout 'pa." he hissed once the said male pressed the cloth harder against his scratched skin.

Sugawara Koushi, both Tanaka and him grew up together in the same house, a foster mother taking care of them, and treated her as their own along with other children she had taken care of. Growing up they didn't have many complications, they grew up in an okay neighborhood, it had the same issues such as complaining about politics, catching up on rumors, and so forth.

Both Sugawara and Tanaka did not have trouble not fitting in, rather, they stood out. Once Ryunosuke found out he was an alpha suddenly everything seemed better for him. Sugawara had always been a responsible child, the moment he had two digits in his age his mother had always been dependent on him, having a lot of children with them.

So to put it simply, Sugawara Koushi acts as both father and mother figure, to all of his foster siblings the day he mastered how to walk.

Sugawara rushed the cloth and gently placed it against his brother's swollen lip, he stood up and took frozen meat from the counter, and slapped it against Tanaka's black eye. He groaned at that and glared at Koushi. The male then sat beside him, the contact made the bench creak.

He looked at him sympathetically, knowing the current rumor about his foster father, settling himself in pubs prancing around with girls young enough to be his daughter.

"They 'was sayin' the usual- but this time they messin' w' 'ma!" he sniffed and rubbed his nose, "Assholes. The lot o' 'em."

Sugawara held the other hand tenderly, giving it a grip. "Y'should stop gettin into fights, Tanaka," he spoke gently. He understood why the other would act like that, he admired the strength and loyalty he showed but he would always act before even thinking.

"..I lost me job at the railway."

Suga stood up, eyes wide. "What?!" he scrunched his eyebrows together, scratching his head, "I don't get it- they- what the bloomin' heck did you do enough t'make them loose yer job?!" the male began to feel it again, ah yes, rage.

Immense wrath.

Spitting fury.

Tanaka looked at him dumbly, as if the other had two heads. "I thought I told ya befo'" his brows quirked up, "'is the boss I fought wiv. 'es a prancing asshole- thinkin' nothin' but 'imself.." he muttered more curses for his boss, Sugawara smacked his back using a book.

"Y'already know 'ma cant work- and pa is- you already know what he's like."

"I'll think o' somethin', 'kay?" he hugged his brother, knowing the consequences of what he'd done. He understood the burden the other carries, and it only made him feel guilty when he knew he was now one of his burdens.

"I'll go to mam now." he broke the hug, Koushi went upstairs leaving his wounded brother.


"Tsukishima. Tsukishima Tadashi, it has a nice ring to it don't you think?"

The greenette redden, stifling his face in his palms. "St-Stop it Nii-sama." Ennoshita smiled a knowing smirk, "My Tadashi, how long has this been going on, hm?" he taunted, the male let out an annoying noise.

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