3. February

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Brackley, 10th February

Joel hadn't long got in from work. He had taken over from Melissa as Lance's press officer, and they'd spent the day going through all the promotional filming they would be doing over the coming days. He didn't mind working with Lance now that Annaliese had gone. Lance's new trainer was a Scottish guy called Jamie. He seemed a good sort.

Ollie was working late so Joel had decided to call in the fish and chip shop on his way home. He was just about to sink down onto the sofa with his plate of fish and chips when something outside caught his eye. He frowned as he saw the headlights of a car pull up, partly covering the drive. Putting his plate down on the coffee table, he went to the front door and opened it. He didn't recognise the car.  It was a red Ford Fiesta.  He called out to the figure that was climbing out of the driver's side.

"You're going to have to move that mate. My partner will need to get on to the drive shortly."

"Nice greeting Barnes. Here I was thinking you'd be pleased to see me."  He gasped in shock.  It was the last person he thought he'd see. 

"Melissa!!!" They ran to each other, embracing fondly.

"It's so good to see you," Joel mumbled, holding her tightly to him.

"It's so good to see you too," she replied.  They finally let each other go and went inside the house, out of the cold.

"I've got some fish and chips here if you want to share.  You know I can never finish it all," he offered.  Melissa thanked him and said she'd have some of his chips.  They sank down onto the sofa next to each other. 

"So are you going to tell me where you've been this last month?" Joel said, stuffing a few chips into his mouth.  Melissa nodded, grabbing a handful of chips off of his plate. 

"Do you remember Greenwood Bay in Dorset? I've been staying there.  I've had a lot of thinking to do."  That was an understatement.  She'd been thinking so hard that sometimes she thought her head was going to explode.  She'd finally made her decision the night before. 

"I dare say you have.  Have you made up your mind what you're going to do yet?"  She nodded at him.

"If it's ok with you I'd like to come home.  I know Ollie lives here now and you might want your privacy..."

"Melissa," he interrupted her. "There is always a home for you here."  She smiled at him.

"I need to start looking for a job though."

"You could always come back to Aston Martin," he suggested.  "They've only replaced Sophie, not you yet. I'm sure Otmar would take you back."

"You know I can't.  I can't be around him Joel." She felt her eyes welling up again.  Being back in Brackley was stirring up all her memories again.  

"He made a mistake Melissa, he's devastated.  He just wants to see you.  He loves you girl. And I know you still love him."  Melissa ran a hand through her hair, she could feel her stress levels rising. 

"But Joel, he didn't trust me.  He called me a whore.  He broke my heart.  It's not as easy as just saying sorry.  Sometimes there's just no going back."

"But it's a start.  I'm not saying take him back or anything, just talk to the man. He needs closure, and so do you."

"I'm not ready yet J, maybe one day but now is not the time."  He nodded, accepting her decision.  There was no point trying to pressurise her into doing something she didn't want to do.  "So tell me about Sophie's replacement."

"He's called Isaac.  He's a bit wet behind the ears, only 24 bless him.  We're going to have fun with him after the races," he said laughing.  "He'll never keep up with us!"  The front door opened and shut.

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