23. False Sense of Security

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After they had arrived back at the hotel Seb had made the suggestion that they should fly to his place in Switzerland and stay there until the next race.

"It's safer for you there at the moment," he reasoned. "Plus we get to be alone."  Melissa agreed, eager for some alone time with him.  So Seb had cancelled their original flights and rebooked. The next morning they left for the airport.

"Seb, make sure you keep up your training sessions," Antti reminded him as he said goodbye. He hadn't been too happy that Seb was heading back to Switzerland without him, but he understood the sudden change of plan once Seb had brought him up to date on what was going on. 

"He will Antti, I'll make sure he does," Melissa  promised him.  Seb drove them to the airport, dropping off the hire car, before they headed to check in.  They had to sit around and wait for a while before being allowed to board but soon they were finding their seats and settling down for the short flight. 

"You ok?" Seb asked her as they took off.

"Better knowing he won't be able to find me at yours," she replied.

"I told you, he'll have to go through me first to get to you," he said kissing the back of her hand.  "I'll never let anything happen to you." Melissa smiled and leant her head on his shoulder.  Seb was the most amazing guy.  She felt like the luckiest girl in the world. 


The man logged onto Twitter.  He scrolled through all the meaningless posts.  Who gave a shit that Vettel had won at Monza? He carried on scrolling until a post caught his eye.  Some paparazzi photos of Melissa and HIM at the airport boarding a flight to Switzerland.  Anger rushed through him.  He had no idea where Seb lived in Switzerland.  How was he going to get to her there? He knew he could find out if he tried hard enough but she would be protected there. Seb's security was bound to be foolproof!

"Damn it," he shouted, punching the door. He was seething inside.  Everything would have to wait.  This wasn't what he had planned. Damn Vettel, this was all his fault.  He would have to bide his time.  His chance would come eventually, and when it did they  would never know what hit them.


Melissa came down the stairs on their fourth day at Seb's house.  She had woken to find the other side of the bed empty. Hearing a lot of clattering coming from downstairs she had gone down to investigate. She found Seb wearing just a pair of shorts,  hunting through the kitchen cupboards.

"What are you doing?" she asked him. He jumped up, startled by her voice, banging his head on the worktop above the cupboard.

"Fuck!" he cursed, his hand shooting up to grab his head. Melissa ran to him.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump."  He laughed, wincing in discomfort.

"It's ok, no harm done. Just a little bump."

"So, what were you doing in the cupboard?" she asked.

"Looking for flour. I wanted to make you some pancakes but I can't seem to find it anywhere."

"Awww that's so sweet of you."

"Except now I can't find the flour so that idea's out."  Melissa put her arms around his waist and kissed him.

"The thought was there. Now why don't we both go and get dressed and we can go out for breakfast?  In fact, why don't we make a day of it and have a Magical Mystery Tour? You can show me around."  Seb laughed at her reference to the Beatles' song.

"If that's what you want sweetheart. I have a few ideas where to take you."  They both headed back upstairs. They showered and dressed and before long they were both ready to go out. 

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