Why Ya Seekin' Water?

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Thoughtseer felt like Shadowkeeper was ignoring her. She had barely seen her in the day since Thoughtseer revealed her powers. 

"Oh!" she said as she bumped into a dragon that looked like a SeaWing, but was blue and orange.

"Sorry." he said.

"Oh, it's okay." she replied. "Are you a hybrid?"

"Yes. Can you guess which tribes?"


Dang, he thought. She's good.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"It's Waterfall," he replied. "See ya around, I guess."

"Bye!" she said.

Later, in the food cave...

Thoughtseer walked over to the food, and grabbed some cow and apples. Suddenly, a large stalactite broke off of the ceiling and plummeted down toward her. With her talons full of cow(Curse you, cow!), she couldn't stop it in time. So she curled up in a ball and waited... and waited... and waited... until she finally looked up and saw Shadowkeeper standing over her.

"Thanks," she said gratefully. Shadowkeeper replied, "You're welcome. Friends?"

"Yeah. Friends."

New part coming out by the 17th of November 2021 at the latest! Thank you for reading!!!

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