Chapter 12:Home

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"We're here" Taehyung said as he stoped the car in front of a condo. Soorae glance at him confused

"This isn't my condo taehyung" She said plainly, he shrugged what she had said then pulled her out of the car by grabbing her wrist and dragging her into his condo unit

"I badly wanna cuddle with you Sooah so please let me" he pouted like a child. Soorae hesitated, it's their first hours of being together and he already want to sleep with her? Well in her opinion it's weird so she tried to resist

"But don't you think it's inappropr-" she was about to continue her words but she was cut off by her boyfriend

"Oh come on I won't touch you, I just want you in my embrace so I could feel your warmth. I think it's the only proof that will truly make me believe that your already mine" he stated sincerely in which made her melt, she nodded as response. His smile grew up then he dragged her inside the house then hug her tightly then went to bed to cuddle

"Do you want to change?, Those clothes seems uncomfortable" He whispered into her, his warm breath hitting her soft skin

"I didn't bring any clothes, Can I borrow some of yours?" She asked cutely, her boyfriend grinned

"Sure why not" he stand up then head to his huge walk in closet to get some huge hoodie and a short, he handed her the clothes. Soorae smiled at him

"Thanks" was what she said before standing up and heading to the bathroom. After she had done her business she quickly walk back to the bed where her boyfriend lays down

"Do you want to sleep now?" She asked, he stand up and grind

"Of course not who would want to sleep at this hour ya know it's too early. What do you think about watching a movie" he suggested, she smiled widely revealing her bunny teeth.

"Sounds great" He nodded then start to find a good movie. When he already found one he played it and went right back into bed to cuddle to his girlfriend

"Wanna eat?" He asked kindly, she nodded her head in response. He stood up from the bed and head towards the kitchen, he opened the fridge's door and pick up some chips and sweets. He instantly made his way back to the room where his girl is. She gave her a cute bunny grin same like her brother's one. He sat right next to her and hand over the chips he picked

"Here" he stated, she opened the Chip's bag fastly and started digging in, he smiled at the cuteness of the girl and stare at her admiring her dearly. She felt uncomfortable of the intense gaze he gave her

"You want some?" She asked curiously, he snapped out then gave her his famous rectangular smile

"No thanks have it" he replied, his girlfriend put her attention back to the movie but she suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. She turned around to peek

"Your so warm" he stated

"And I like warm hugs"


Your author is lazy sorry

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