Bonus Chapter

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Soorae's POV

4 years later...

Graduation Day

"How do I look?" I asked as I look at my reflection in the mirror, turning back to back. A warm pair of hands meets my waist

"You look good as always" Taehyung replied, I turn around and took his hand and put it on my chest, right above my heartbeat

"Feel my heartbeat"I said, he stayed silent and feel it

"It's fast, what's with it?" Taehyung replied

"You'll know later" I replied with a huge smile, he knit his eyebrows in confusion. A sudden knock on our door catch our attention, the person clear his throat

"You two, dad and mom are already on the venue. Time is ticking, make it fast" Jungkook interrupted, we laugh at his grumpy vibes

"Unnie!!" Yumi shouted as she is smiling happily, she hugged both of us

"Congrats!, You finally made it. You two can finally give me a baby cousin yey!" My eyes widened as I feel Taehyung's smirk on my back.

"Jeon Yumi!" Jungkook shouted, the little girl run as her father run after.


I feel nervous as my name haven't been called yet, did I made it?

"It's okay Sooah, trust me they save the best for last" My husband comfort, I gave him a little smile but deep inside I feel anxious already.

"Look, its the your oppas" Mom said on my side, I look at the gate and yes there they are. I wave a little to them as they all wave back.

"Congrats raennie!" Jimin oppa shouted, I give him a little smile. Jungkook oppa kicked his feet as I pouted.

"For our Magna Cum laude we have Hwang Jinyhe" The MC said, I lose my faith, I already feel like crying. There's no way I'm part of that big three.

"Soorae Cheer up!" Yoongi said, I nodded my head

"Yeah, cheer up daughter" Dad said

"Cheer up brat" Mina said, I rolled my eyes

"For Our Cum Laude, we have Jeon Soorae!" The MC said, my eyes widened as everyone smiled happily. Dad and Mom with Taehyung and my siblings came with me on the stage. My teacher gave the medal to Dad but he pass it on Taehyung

"Here put this on your wife" he smiled and mumbled 'thank you', he walk towards me and put the medal on my neck while smiling proudly.

"Congrats my bear" He said and kissed my temple. The photographer took pictures of me and my family and the other members, lastly with my one and only husband.


"Congratulations, our little raennie. I know your the smarty-pants in your batch" Jin oppa said, and the other members congratulated me, so did mom and dad and my siblings.

"Come on let's go find a restaurant to celebrate, its on me" Namjoon oppa said, the whole squad smile happily

"Free food!!!" The whole gang shouted.


As we finally found a restaurant, my favorite restaurant actually. We started talking, but I suddenly feel dizzy but I didn't told anyone.

"The food is here!" Hoseok said, the waiters put our orders on the table

"Babe, are you okay?" Taehyung asked as he held my hand, I hummed in response

"You look a little pale, are you sure?" He once again asked

"I'm okay Tae, don't worry" I assured him, when the waiter put my favorite beef stake, I suddenly feel tingling sensation on my throat, I run fastly on the nearest bathroom. And started to puke, Taehyung rushed after me as he rubbed my back

"You don't look okay to me, we should go to the hospital" he said, looking worried

"I'm okay, don't mind me" I replied, we walk back to the table but I suddenly feel dizzy till everything turned black.

Taehyung's POV

"Soorae!" I shouted as she lose consciousness, I quickly catch her fastly, Jungkook and her mom and dad rush fastly

"Let's bring her to the hospital" Her mom said panicking, Jungkook and I put her on the car as we head to the hospital.

In the hospital

"She'll be okay, don't worry" Namjoon said.

"May I have a word with" The doctor said, I stood up as I followed behind, feeling nervous

"Is she okay?"

"Shes okay right now, but you gotta know something. She's..."


Soorae's POV

I open my eyes as I look around, wait this isn't the restaurant

"Don't move brat" Mina said, I ignored her as I sat down on the bed. Taehyung suddenly opened the door,and Mina head out of the room.

"I'm sorry I lied" I said looking down, he sat beside me and lay his head in my tummy. I knit my eyebrows in confusion

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Shhhh" he said, I remain silent as I look at him confused

"Can you tell me about your surprise?" He asked

"It wasn't supposed to go this way, but I bought the farm you used to play with before" I said, he looks surprised

"Wow I didn't expect that but thank you Soorae. I taught you were keeping it a secret from me, I guess you haven't found out yet" He said

"Your welcome, but what do you mean?" I asked He hugged me tightly and kissed my hand and my tummy, I look at him confused

"Mama bear and papa bear and baby bear" he sang

"I guess you really don't have any idea" he giggled

"What's with you, are you drunk or something?" I asked

"Soo-ah, your bearing a little angel inside you" he said smiling happily. My eyes widened in excitement as I got teary

"Do you mean I'm pregnant?" I asked

"Our love finally produced a fruit honey" he said, a sudden happiness rush to me as I can't help but cry.

"I love you, and you too our little angel" he whispered, as he kissed my cheek. We both giggled. The door opened

"Did I just heard it right, I'm finally be having a baby cousin!" Yumi rushed to us as the grownups fall on the ground

"Are y'all eavesdropping on us?" Taehyung asked laughing. They all smiled as the whole place we're filled with happiness and joy, as there will be a new bundle of joy coming on our way.

Thank you for the support y'all. I was in a hurry when I wrote this so it might not be that good, but I hope you liked it. Keep safe and healthy 💋

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