Chapter 68:

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The end of the peace period lasted for nearly a month. In this month, the temperature stabilized at about 15 degrees. Not only did the spring bloom, but it also rained wildly.

The first eschatological rain in the past two years made everyone cheer and joy, and wept with joy. If the glacier warnings were issued at all major bases, everyone really thought that the difficult eschatology was over.

All the bases that were dormant and silent in the high temperature were active, preparing for the winter supplies.

Luo Hansheng led a team to go out and kill the nearby high-level elemental beasts, explore the surrounding environment, cut down the virgin forest of the back mountain, and then transported it back, almost a few households hoarded a batch of wood, Luo Qi led people to the house After the transformation, in accordance with the customs of the north, Kang was built at the base.

In order to save materials, most two or three families live together, build a kang, and concentrate on burning wood to keep warm.

Luo Hansheng has always led the team out because of his strong abilities. The Su Mian stayed at the base and the restaurant has been suspended. The planting area and the livestock area in the base have also built warm sheds.

At noon on that day, it was still sunny days, I do not know when the sky suddenly became overcast, the clouds were overcast, the temperature dropped suddenly, the wind blew up, the hail fell from the sky, and the end of the glacial period came.

Hailstones are as big as stones, and they can instantly kill people when they are dropped.

Su Mian propped up the power protection, saw everyone looking for something to hide from, and hurried to the conference building of the base to find Luo Wu who was busy with his feet.

"Luo Hansheng? The temperature dropped sharply. I'm afraid the ice age is coming."

Luo Wu's face was a bit ugly, saying: "Houshan's recent elemental beast activity has been abnormal, and the boss led the team out in the morning. Don't worry, the boss's ability will break through level nine, even if you encounter a level nine element beast emperor, you can fight, Now that the temperature has just dropped, I will definitely be back before dark. "

During the talk, the sky was completely dark outside, and the hail hit the roof and the street like a black shadow of death.

"Turn on the base's street lights." Luo Wu ordered quickly.

The lights at the base were turned on all the time, and the sky was dark, the visibility of the street lights was extremely low, the snowflakes fell down in the darkness, and the ground roof was covered with a thick layer of snow in a moment.

Su Mian was so anxious that she thought of the past life somehow, and it was the same heavy snowfall. She couldn't freeze in the car, along the way was the wilderness after high temperature burning. She drove into the mountain, found the cave everywhere, and finally found a cave. And hid inside.

That mountainous area was originally burned with high temperature, the temperature in the cave was extremely high, and it could block the wind. On the first day, she could still live, and the temperature began to drop suddenly the next day, and there was heavy snow everywhere and no plants. There are no burning items for heating, and the materials she brings are food, weapons and crystal nuclei.

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