Chapter 57:

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Luo Hansheng saw that everyone's eyes fell on Su Mian's body, leaning forward slightly, blocking Su Mian, his face was somber, his eyebrows overflowed with a bit of anger, and said coldly: "I will naturally protect my woman, don't work hard You worry. "

Seeing that he was obviously angry, Tatsuno quickly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Dr. Zhao said that it is possible to auction vaccines to prevent animal animalization."

Dr. Zhao took a metal suitcase to the stage, took out the frozen vaccine in the suitcase, and showed it to everyone.

Longye took the opportunity to help Xu He down and said in a whisper: "Academician Xu, that's a soft spot that Luo Hansheng can't touch."

He walked with Luo Hansheng for many days, since he knew that this person was moody, mostly indifferent, and no one in his eyes, he only looked at the little girl beside him, and the others were not at all ignorant, just like the most selfish and domineering dragon, he circled his love Forbidden to be by your side, not to be coveted by others, not to mention.

Xu He wanted to excite Luo Hansheng, and he should never mention Su Mian. Luo Hansheng was afraid to remember it.

Mr. Xu He was stunned for a moment and said wondering: "Can't mention it? Is it so domineering?"

Long Ye nodded and whispered, "Luo Hansheng's ability is so unpredictable, I am not his opponent, and I always feel that they have too many secrets, maybe seeing through our true end of the last alliance meeting . "

"This is not possible. Isn't their Anping base without a research team? How can we guess the results of our research for half a year, and the conclusions we got from the experiment are only guesses." Xu He shook his head. In the future, the high temperature will continue to rise. Only by killing the high-level elemental beasts, obtaining the high-level elemental nuclei, and studying the secrets can we find a way to survive.

Luo Hansheng is a warrior, how could he be so wise?

Long Ye lowered his eyes and whispered, "Look first and then say, to kill the high-level elemental beast, Luo Hansheng must be shot, and if necessary, Su Mian's shot by his side, that girl is the only healing power in the last days. By."

Xu He was shocked by the words, and the near-crazy light flashed in his eyes, healing the powers? What a terrible talent for abilities, if researched, it is very likely that undead will be born in the future.

Long Ye was worried when he saw the hot light in Xu He's eyes. Outsiders only know the dragon team at the China base. They do not know that the dragon team is made by generations of scientific research teams. In the last days, Xu He is the leader of the scientific research team and the person in charge of the internal base.

I just hope Xu He will not reach out to other bases.

Moreover, Dr. Zhao took out the frozen vaccine and did an experiment. First, he injected a force of tyrannical elements into a small hamster. After a few seconds, the eyes of the small hamster turned yellow and became an earth element beast. , And then injected with the frozen vaccine again. One minute later, the violent little hamster returned to normal, and ran around in a small cage gently.

Everyone took a breath, and if this vaccine was researched at the beginning of the last days and injected into animals, almost all animals would not be alienated.

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