Chapter 1, A Stormy Night.

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Chapter 1, A Stormy Night.

It was a gloomy day in dreamland. It was dark outside, and the rain was making a pitter patter sound on Magolor's windows. He was looking outside, quite bored. He didn't have anything to do. Sure he could play a video game but he didn't feel like it. And his work.. is just research.

Harsh knocks were followed by a few rings of the doorbell that echoed through Magolor's house. Finally.. something new today..
He rushed over to the door to greet whoever was there.
Magolor opened the door and standing there was a drenched spider, Taranza. Him and Taranza had been good friends for a while now.. he was a good friend! The best friend he has ever had actually...

Taranza looked very uncomfortable. "H-Hey Mags.. do you mind if I come in..? I'm absolutely drenched and... I'm cold."
Magolor gestured for Taranza to come in. "Oh my god- Yes absolutely, Taranza, come in!!"
Magolor led Taranza inside and sat him down on the couch. "I'll get some dry clothes for you-"
Taranza cut Magolor off. "Uhm- Mags- could i spend the night- actually? The storm isn't supposed to let up any time soon.. I don't think.."
Magolor blushed a bit. "Y-Yeah of course Tan tan! I'll go get you some pajamas then-"

Magolor went into his room and shut the door. He was blushing intensely. "Why am I blushing so much," he thought, "Taranza has stayed over a few times before but.. I've never like this.."
He shifted through his pajamas and found a pink pair that would fit Taranza. Magolor took a deep breath, opened the door and stepped outside to give Taranza his temporary clothes. Magolor handed them to Taranza. "Here's some pajamas..! If you need to dry yourself off there's some towels in the bathroom."
Taranza gave a warm smile. "T-Thank you Mags!"
Taranza hurried into the bathroom, shut the door, and locked it.

Magolor sat down and just stared off into the distance, lost in his thoughts. Why was he blushing? Why was Taranza here so late..? He didn't mind at all.. It just... puzzled him.
"Now that i think about it.. I have been getting more... blushy and nervous around Taranza lately..-"
Just then Taranza came out of the bathroom. The pajamas were a bit big on him. Magolor turned to look at him. "Oh... you look cute in those," Magolor said without thinking. Realizing he had just said that out loud, he covered his mouth and thought to himself, "What did i just say?! How did that escape me? Oh no.. now he's going to hate me..."

Taranza blushed intensely and stepped back. "T-Thank you.." he didn't have much of a response for that.. no one had ever called him cute before..
Magolor just decided to go with it. He couldn't retract his words now. As Taranza sat next to him on the couch, Magolor spoke, "S-So.. what brought you all the way to the Lor at 10 PM..?"
Taranza paused, "There was thunder at my house and... I was scared.. so I came here.."
"Huh.. I see.." Magolor stopped to gather his thoughts. "I was thinking of going to sleep soon.. and by soon, I mean now-"

Taranza nodded, "Yeah.. I'm quite tired as well.. so uhm.. where should I sleep..?"
Magolor smiled, "Well, you can pretty much choose wherever! My bed, the couch, on the floor, wherever you'll be most comfortable!"
Taranza smiled but that quickly turned unto a nervous frown, "Uhm.. could... I sleep in your bed..? If that's alright.."
"Of course that's alright, Tan tan. Here-" Magolor led Taranza to his bedroom. His yellow and blue bed was in the middle of the room with glow in the dark star stick-ons on the ceiling. The room was pretty dim with only a few lights on. Taranza climbed into Magolor's bed and Magolor tucked him in. "Alright Tan tan.. sleep well! I'll be on the couch if you need me." Taranza nodded.

A loud CRASH could be heard throughout the house. No doubt it was lightning that struck nearby. Soon after Magolor heard a loud squeak as he was walking out of the room. It was Taranza. He was tightly gripping the covers.
"Oh... he is really scared of the storm.." Magolor thought. "Tan Tan are you okay?" Taranza shakily shook his head. He was trembling. He looked like he was paralyzed with fear..
Magolor looked around for a moment before asking, "Would you like me to stay with you..?" Taranza nodded hastily.
Magolor shut the door and climbed in bed with Taranza. Almost immediately Taranza latched onto Magolor, gripping him tightly. Magolor was taken aback by this, but soon held Taranza and began petting him. This calmed Taranza's nerves for the time being.

More thunder scared Taranza.. but.. he felt safe in Magolor's arms.. He eventually fell asleep and so did Magolor soon after.

Writers note: it's been a while. I'm sorry it has. I broke my arm, had an implant taken out, which that wound got infected. Its just been a lot of obstacles. If you're wondering why I'm not continuing the first fanficion, i developed a severe sectonia trigger. It would be too much of a change in the story. And i didn't really like how I started the last one. So.. here we are with a whole new start! I hope you can enjoy future chapters.

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