Chapter 3, You're Perfect to Me.

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Chapter 3, You're Perfect to Me.

Taranza and Magolor were still cuddling. Taranza still had his head on Magolor's chest. Magolor was petting Taranza and calling him sweet things..
"My cupcake... I love you so much..." Taranza always let out flustered squeaks whenever Magolor called him something sweet. Magolor adored it..

Taranza shifted up to lean in for a soft kiss. Wait... what's that on Taranza's neck..? It looks... totally different from his skin color.. "Hey.. wait.. Taranza.. what's that on your neck..?" Magolor asked softly. Taranza froze. "U-Uhm.. N-Nothing..! Don't worry about it..!" Taranza was hiding his neck under the covers.

Magolor spoke. "Taranza.. you can trust me you know that..."
Taranza looked away hiding himself from Magolor. "O-Of course..! Yeah..!" Magolor knew Taranza. He knew something was wrong. Magolor put his hand on Taranza's neck. It felt abnormal.. "Dear... Can i see your neck..?" Magolor spoke in the softest tone possible. Harsh tones made Taranza panic.
Taranza hesitated before looking back up at Magolor and revealing his neck. A large birthmark covered the right of his neck. There were also quite a few scars.. large ones.

Taranza began to tear up. "I didn't- I'm-" He got cut off by Magolor. "Hey.. hey... its alright... I'm not mad.. or sad.. or upset.. I'm still here.."
Taranza took a bit to somewhat compose himself before speaking again. "I-I guess i have to tell you.." Magolor had a concerned look on his face. "Love... what happened to your neck..?"
Rip it off like a bandaid... Taranza thought..

"Mags... you know Sectonia.. the uhm.. evil queen I was abused by..?"
Magolor's brain immediately started to race. "Y-Yeah.. She emotionally abused you.. I know.."
Tears began to form in Taranza's eyes. "Sh-She did more than emotional ab-abuse.." Taranza sat up and began to take off the pajamas, revealing his chest. It was full of scars. All over Taranza were scars. Magolor was horrified at what.. She did to him..

Magolor sat up. "T-Taranza-"
"I-I'm not done..! There's still more..." Taranza started to take off his gloves. Scars covered his hands. Every single one. All over.
Taranza was on the brink of breaking down. He covered his face and gripped his hair.. "Sh-She... abused me... in all ways.. even before she was in her bee form she abused me... a-and.. I thought it was okay!! I'm so.. stupid.. just a dumb... idiot-"

Magolor cut him off by putting his hand on Taranza's chest. "I didn't know she was that bad... I'm.. so sorry.."
Before Taranza could say anything more, Magolor took off his hood, revealing two fluffy ears. Magolor was full of fluffy fur. "Now you can see me.. Look.. Taranza.." Magolor held two of Taranza's hands. "I never told you I had fur. And.. well.. I do. I never shared it with you because I was self conscious about myself and how I look.." Magolor looked down and paused. "Taranza.. I think your scars are beautiful... It's what makes you special... Even if it's the most terrible stories.. I love them.. they're you.. and I love you..." undoubtedly that wasn't the best speech Magolor could've done.

"C-Can I... feel your fur...?" Taranza asked, shaking.
Magolor smiled warmly. "Absolutely..." Taranza hesitated for a moment before petting Magolor. He almost pulled his hand away but... Magolor's fur was soft. It comforted him. It distracted Taranza from his racing thoughts. He put another hand on Magolor.
"Soft right..?" Magolor said, lightly petting Taranza.
"M-Mhm..." Taranza started to put more of his hands on Magolor. His fur was the softest thing Taranza has felt in a long, long time.

Magolor took off his own scarf (writer's note: I'm not sure what to call the thing covering his mouth. A buckle possibly?) Which revealed a yellow mouth with a tooth-like dip. "And this is my mouth.. We all have scars Tan Tan.. Mentally or physically.. or even both.. Mine are mentally. I don't like showing myself.. and the crown incident left me scarred.. I didn't trust myself for years after that..'' Magolor gathered his thoughts, removed his gloves and put a hand on Taranza's cheek. "I just happen to think your scars are beautiful Taranza.."

Tears came streaming down Taranza's face as he hugged Magolor tightly. "I-I love you-"
Magolor gently scratched Taranza's scalp. "I love you too, Tan Tan..."
They stayed there just hugging. The hardest part was over...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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Magolor x Taranza. You're perfect to me.Where stories live. Discover now