I trusted you

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Jahoon: Would we always be together Jinsoul?

Jinsoul: Of course we will Hoonie. I will always be by your side and you always in my heart. I would never leave you for anything in the world. I love you.

Jahoon: I love you to Soulie.

She snuggled closer to me, as we laid down in the grass, watching the sunset. Our usual routine that we had always done, even before I proposed to her today. I looked over at her to see her side profile. I smiled to myself and thought about how lucky I were to have her by my side and up-coming wife. All the memories that flooded my mind, made my eyes clouded with tears. We have been through a lot both good and bad times but we have gone past it with the power of love. Jinsoul noticed me staring at her and turned her face to look at me, seeing me crying. She cupped my face with her hands and used her thumbs to wipe away my tears.

Jinsoul: Why are you crying? Have I done something wrong?

I shook my head and placed a hand on top of hers, staring into her beautiful brown orbs.

Jahoon: You have not done something wrong but you have done something to my heart. I just thought about everything that we have been through. It's happy tears since I'm happy that we have been through all of this and still being together until now.

JInsoul: Aww~ My baby~ Come here~

JInsoul pulled my face closer and kissed me. A kiss that was so amazing that I never could forget.

I brought the flowers, that I just got, closer to my nose and smelled the scent from them. A scent that reminded me of her. It was the same as her body wash, which she usually uses. I opened the door to our shared house and quietly taking off my shoes. Today was our 6 years anniversary day. I wanted to surprise her and take her out for a nice dinner for the last time since I was flying to England to study at Oxford University to become a doctor next week. I was going to marry her when I came back from England. I tiptoed my way to our bedroom and was about to open the door when I heard something that made me drop the flowers on the floor.

Jinsoul: Sooyoung! Harder! Harder please! I'm coming!

I slowly grabbed the handle of the door and turned it to open the door. The scene was something that I would never forget and something that I wished had not happened. The one who I loved the most and wanted to spend the rest of my life with was sleeping with my closest best friend, that has been through everything with me from birth to now and even introduced Jinsoul to me. They both noticed my presence and stopped what they were doing to look at me. Jinsoul took the duvet and covered her naked body with it.

Jinsoul: Jahoon! I... I can explain!

I smiled and shook my head. I walked over to Sooyoung and took off the proposal ring and placed it into her hand. I slowly closed her fingers, making them wrap around the ring.

Jahoon: Seems like I'm to no use anymore... Please take care of her for me... I'm happy if she is happier to be with you compared to me...

I looked at them both and smiled, biting my right cheek trying not to cry. I waddled over to the door and took the flowers that got on the floor and placed it on top of the dressing table. I was about to walk out, as I turned back around to face them with one last smile on my face.

Jahoon: By the way... from now on I will consider you guys as strangers from now on... you have never been in my life, neither the one I consider my best friend or the one I have loved with my whole heart. I will take this as a lesson to better look at people before trusting them or take them into my life.

I walked out and closed the door after me walking to my car, not caring about Jinsoul yelling after me. I grabbed the steering wheel tightly and clenched my jaw, making my teeth grit. I then drove away, away from everything.

Speaker: Dear passengers. The flight to London, England is departing soon. Passengers, please make your way to the gate. The flight to London, England is departing soon. Passengers, please make your way to the gate.

I stood up from my seat and fixed my outfit, which was just a pair of dark blue dress pants and a light blue button-up shirt. I felt a hand being place on my right shoulder. I looked over to see the owner of the hand to be my mom. She placed her other hand on my other shoulder and turned me to fully face her.

Mom: Are you ready my dear? I know you still think about her and that it still hurts you but think about this move as a new beginning. You are still young and I know that my beautiful and smart daughter would find someone who loves and cares about you the same way that you love and care about them and would stay by your side.

Jahoon: Mom~ You are saying it like you are sending me off alone~ but you are right... I will do anything to run away from this place.... and especially from her.

Dad: Let's go girls! The flight is departing in about 20 minutes, we have to hurry up!

Dad yelled after mom and me while having an arm around my little sister Minju's shoulder. Mom smiled at me and walked over to dad with her luggage. I followed right behind, only to be stopped by a familiar voice.

Jinsoul: Jahoon! Wait!

I turned around to see Jinsoul running towards me. When she finally reached me, she pulled me into a hug while panting. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. Jinsoul pulled away and took my hands in hers, looking into my eyes with furrowed worried eyebrows.

Jinsoul: I'm sorry for everything... I'm really is.... I know that you are still mad at me about it and have forgiven me yet but I want you to give me a second chance to prove that I really love you and that I regret everything that I had done to you.

I slowly pulled my hands away from her grip and looked at her with a blank expression. I could hear Minju trying to walk over to me, to help me but mom and dad stopped her from doing it.

Jahoon: I would have given you a second chance if you haven't walked over the line like this. I would have given you a second chance to whatever it is but to this... I could never give someone a second chance and I would never forget it.

Speaker: Dear passengers. The flight to London, England is departing in 10 minutes. Passengers, please make your way to the gate. The flight to London, England is departing in 10 minutes. Passengers, please make your way to the gate.

Jahoon: I have to go now. Goodbye.

I told her coldly and turned around on my heels to walk away when she back hugged me. I bit my right cheek, trying not to cry in front of her.

Jinsoul: I will never let you go. I will wait for you until you come back. I will show you that I really love you and that I regret it.

Jahoon: You are welcome to do that but it is just a waste of effort and time.

I pried her hands off and walked with my family to the gate. I gave the stewardess my passport and took it again before walking past the door gate.

Jinsoul: I love you Jahoon! And I will always do!

That was the last thing I heard from her, as the door closed behind me. We found our seat and I sat down with Minju beside me.

Minju: Are you alright unnie?

I nodded and gave her a small smile. I patted her head, making her give me an uwu expression.

Jahoon: Unnie is fine. Don't worry.

I looked out of the window. The plane was preparing to take off. Would it be as people say? A new place, a new beginning, new memories, and maybe a new lover?

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