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Jahoon: Thank you for today! See you tomorrow!

Medical staff: See you tomorrow team leader!

I bowed to the nurses and doctors of my team, as they bowed back to me. Luckily today I was off earlier than since there weren't really any patients. Woking my way to the top as a team leader was hard and I'm proud of it but that wasn't what was important right now. I quickly got to the hospital's parking lot and entered my car before I drove over to a flower shop and brought a bouquet of red roses. As I exited the shop, I couldn't help but smile to myself as I sniffed the flower. I couldn't wait to see her reaction when receiving it.

I finally got home and quietly closed the door behind me and took off my shoes. I could hear Jungeun talking in our bedroom but I couldn't make out clearly what she was talking about. Maybe she was talking to her parents about her pregnancy? Somehow the thought of it made me smile even wider. I moved closer and closer to the door. Just as I stood right in front of it, I dropped the flowers.

Jungeun: And how in the world do I tell Jahoon, this isn't her child?

I stared down at the floor in shock. What.... what does she mean by it is not.... my child? Has she been cheating on me? No... no, I must have heard it wrong. Maybe she had heard me opening the door and maybe she was just acting? Right?

As I stood, still in my own world, the door to our bedroom opened. I looked up from the floor to see Jungeun staring at me in shock. She reached out to me and tried to move closer but my body just kept moving backward.

Jungeun: Jahoon.... It is not what you are thinking....

Jahoon: Oh! So it must just be my imagination~ You just didn't say "How in the world do I tell Jahoon, this isn't her child?"?

I mocked her by mimicking her voice. Jungeun looked down at the floor. It looked like she was about to cry but I couldn't care less at that moment. I tried to held back my tears and looked at her in disbelief.

Jungeun: Please believe me.... It was a mistake.... I didn't want it to happen....

Her voice came out as a whisper. Her voice cracking as she was on the verge of crying. I took in a deep breath while closing my eyes and tried to compose myself.

Jahoon: Who is it?

My own voice came out like a whisper like I was denying the truth and this was all of a bad dream. Jungeun's right hand moved towards her stomach, as she caressed.

Jungeun: A girl named Heejin.

I nodded. I took our wedding ring in my right hand and placed it on her left palm, making her looking at me in surprise. I took another deep breath.

Jahoon: I'm sorry for not being a good wife enough for you. If you have been sleeping with other girls, that is because I have done wrong. Let us end it here, then you can finally love the person you want.

I turned around and began walking over to the entrance. Suddenly I felt Jungeun's arm wrapping around my waist. I could feel her tears wetting my back but I couldn't bring myself to turn around and hug her.

Jungeun: Please don't leave me.... Please I beg you.... I have made a mistake, I know but I really love you.... You make me a better person and I'm always happy when I'm with you..... I know I have made a mistake but please let us work it out.....

I unwrapped her arms from my waist and took a step further to the entrance. I kept my eyes on the door, as I knew that if I were to turn around and look at her I would cry.

Jahoon: I.... I have to think about it..... give me some time....

I then walked out of the house, leaving Jungeun crying behind me. I was hurt by her actions but somehow it hurt even more leaving her crying like that. Guess I still love her.... I let my feet bring wherever they wanted. Why did this happen to me? Why did I have to be so unlucky in my love life? God, please tell me what I have sinned to already be living in hell?

I walked and walked mindlessly until I could see some light in the corner of my eyes. I turned to my right side to see a car approaching me with speed. Before I could even think, I have suddenly been pushed away from the crossroad. I mindlessly stared up in the sky until a familiar face appeared in my eyesight. Jinsoul.

Jinsoul: Yah! Jahoon! What are you doing?! You could have died right now if I hadn't been here to save you!

I pushed her lightly away and sat up. Jinsoul did the same thing beside me. People who had witnessed the incident returned back to their normal routine, leaving Jinsoul and me alone. I could feel Jinsoul scoot closer to me and her arm wrapping around my shoulder.

Jinsoul: Yah. Did something happen between you and your wife? You can tell me anything you know. I know that we have broken up but I can still be here as a friend or maybe just an ear if you need something to listen to your worries. Come on, let's get up. I will bring you to my apartment. You need to get your wounds treated. We can have a doctor, who is saving others, to be hurt right?

I just let Jinsoul pull me up on my feet and towards her apartment. Accidentally and somehow luckily it was nearby. As we were in the elevator, I glanced over to Jinsoul's face. She gave grown to become even more gorgeous from the last time I saw her.

Jinsoul: Do I have something on my face? You have been staring for a while now.

Jinsoul looked towards me and tilted her head. I shook my head baffle and looked the other way. I tried to say something but I could only open and close my mouth again. I could hear Jinsoul giggle before there was a ding from the elevator indicating our arrival. Jinsoul then brought us to her apartment, which was actually quite nice considering the space she had.

Jinsoul: Sit down on the sofa. I'm going to get the first aid kit.

I did as told and she disappeared into one of her rooms. I used the opportunity to look around her living room. You could easily tell that it was her home. Her taste hadn't been changing at all. My eyes then laid on the picture right beside her TV. I stood up and walked towards the TV, taking the picture in my hand. It was a picture of us when we still were a couple. It was taking at our third anniversary, where we had visited the amusement park since Jinsoul had begged me to take her there, even though I wasn't a fan.

Jinsoul: That picture meant much to me, that is why I placed it there.

I turned around to see Jinsoul already sitting on the sofa with the first aid kit, her eyes on the picture. I placed the picture back down and sat beside her.

Jahoon: Well you really did enjoy that day very much. To the point where you even laughed at me after I threw up after a ride.

Jinsoul giggled as she put on some condiments on a cotton pad and began treating my wounds.

Jinsoul: Well what can I say? It was fun to see the usually strong Jahoon become weak because of just one ride.

Jahoon: Yah!

I lightly slapped her shoulder, making her giggle even more but then grew quiet, as she treated the wound on my cheek. Our eyes met for a while before her eyes trailed down to my lips and back up to my eyes. She then began leaning forward and kissed me. I was shocked but somehow my first instinct wasn't pushing her away, rather I began kissing her back, which seemed to surprise her a bit but then she wrapped her arms around my neck. The kiss deepened and we began moving towards her bedroom. I placed her softly on the bed, as I hovered over her. I could see the lust in her eyes and I could feel the same feeling appearing in my body. I then captured her lips again and began taking off her clothes. Little by little did I realize that we having sex with each other. It felt wrong since I knew that I was still married to Jungeun but on the other hand it also felt kind of right?

We continued until we both felt tired and slept beside each other. I woke up in the morning and realized what a terrible mistake I had made and pulled on my clothes, leaving her apartment after writing her a note about my leaving.

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