Chapter 2 (A new life...Maybe?)

917 17 8

Date: 1943/06/8
Time: 13:48




--(Y/N) POV--

(Y/N): 'i will be honest, i saw some weird shit back at my place, but this?, this is definitely on the top 10'

i was aboard an aircraft carrier,i was on the deck looking at the ocean ahead of us.
but i could feel someone was staring daggers behind me
well, i cannot blame her, i don't even know what the shit is a siren, wait...if they confused me with one, so this means they are similar to the saiyans?
nah, i am beginning to get paranoid about that, i think...

???: we are almost there

Cleveland: finally!

(Y/N): almost where?

Cleveland looks at me with confusion

Cleveland: you don't know what Azur Lane is?

(Y/N): Azur-what?

Cleveland: ....*sigh*...

---Timeskip brought to you by Cleveland telling to (Y/N) what Azur Lane is---

(Y/N): let me get this straight, Azur Lane is some sort of ¨resistance¨ against these ¨Red Axis¨
that had joined forces with the sirens, that are the very ENEMY of humanity?

Cleveland: yes, i don't know what have gone through that head of theirs

then that white-haired girl with a sort of admiral uniform approached us

???: don't you even dare do anything funny around here, understood?

(Y/N): define ¨funny¨

???: you know what i mean

(Y/N): ....

???: ...

(Y/N): look,how about we do this is again?

???: huh?

(Y/N): *extends his hand* it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is (Y/N),(Y/N) (L/N)

She looks at my hand, she hesitantly shakes my hand

Enterprise: mine's Enterprise, it is...a pleasure to meet you too

then we reached the place...

(Y/N): is this some sort of naval base?

Javelin: you are correct!

then we went down the docks and began walking to somewhere
the silence during that was absolute,well,if you consider the whispers of the other girls around looking at me with faces of: Fear, Curiosity,and Surprise
then i broke the silence with Enterprise

(Y/N): umm...Enterprise?

Enterprise: hmm? yes?

(Y/N): where exactly are we going?

Enterprise: we are going to the interrogation room and question you about certain things

(Y/N): you didn't forget about the deal, did you?

(Y/N): good

we entered some sort of...facility? i think.
we walked a little bit and we found a door with a simple word

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