Azur lane...all the factions under one banner to beat the sirens...
however,the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood,decided to join the sirens.
but in exchange for the mass-produced ships and technology,they needed to help the sirens to defeat the resistan...
Eugen looked into his eyes, trying to detect any lies, however, it was impossible due to the tension and pressure. She only could trust on him, doing so, she swallows the bean. And slowly, her pain faded away.
Eugen: H-Huh?! h-how-
He gave more four of these beans to her.
(Y/N): Save it for the others, they will need it.
Eugen then took the beans from his hand, and stood up, summoned her ship, although not in good condition, it was still operable. She got everyone onto her ship, and towed the ships, as she was about to retreat, she looked back and said.
Eugen: Thank you...
(Y/N): ...Next time, try not to piss me off, okay?
Eugen: I-I will make sure of that...
Then, she departed. He looked around, the sun setting, and the seas calming down.
then, he looked at the direction where some people, are coming towards him.
(A/N: if you wondered how the house is, it is like this:)
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(I know it isn't a "shack" but for simplicity's sake let's make it look like this)
After my fight with the Red Axis. 'if you can even call it a fight, because it wasn't even close to being a warm-up' And after getting t r i g g e r e d, i was tired to talking to anyone right now, so i just teleported back to base without needing to talk to anyone on the way.
...That was yesterday, right now i am in a... interesting situation... to say the least.
PoW: You know that what you did was reckless, right?
currently i am being lectured by Wales, for what you may ask dear reader? well, because of "You cannot let your rage take the better of you" and "You may have put many of the girls lives in risk" and things like that
Well, i couldn't care less about what she was saying, i am a warrior. and warriors need to fight in order to not get rusty.
well that's what i think at least.
PoW: Also, you have a lot of explaining to do young man. like, what was that sound?! we were able to hear kilometers away from the battlefield! and even so, it made almost all of us deaf!