Old times

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I was acquainted with some of the others though..Olezka would look out for me and Timofey would talk to me, from time to time. Viktor also liked me, but I was mainly to shy, upon approaching any of them.

So it was just mainly me and Nikolai, we would often sneak out of our rooms and climb onto the roof to smoke, or drink vodka we'd managed to pilfer. Our quarters were massive, similar to a collage campus in America, stretching from 40 Square feet, around the surrounding woods nearby.

There was other times, we would usually take Viktor or Timofey with us, on our little exhibitions, through the woods and down to a nearby river, im surprised we never got caught, from all the racket and noise we were always making.

We had a few adventures in the forest its self, which was pretty wild, the world truly is beautiful at night, like a diffrent paradox altogether. A family of snow owls, were perched high up, in the branches of an old oak tree, I still remember their curious, golden glowing beady eyes, staring back at us.

As a child, I abousetly loved wildlife and animals, something about them, was just so intriguing especially bears, I loved their big burly build and hostile stature. They had quite a brutal, savage reputation but I feel like the most toughest mammals are the best.

Nikolai adored cats, he would never stop pratting on about them, especially black cats, he told me about his cat at home, a dainty petite black and brown cat, with stripes comparable to a fearsome tiger, seemingly it was a Tabby cat, cross bengal; Her name was Annika, which meant grace.

Apparently Nikolai found her, drenched in muck, stuck in a grimy drain, when he was on his way back from school, noticing the poor thing was lost and a good chance it was an orphan, he took her in. Nikolai always had a gentle natured heart and a soft spot, especially for felines.

He was repeatedly sticking up for people and protecting the vulnerable. Like me, Nikolai didn't have much money, neither did he have a fully functioning family, he lived with his father, most of his life, due to his mother becoming an acholic after her sisters death.

She became so deteraited, most days she couldn't even get out of bed, her hair was frail and she looked pale, like a ghost. Nikolai felt bad for her, of course he did, but he had no other choice but to live with his father.

Nikolai tried to help her, but it was difficult, his mother also had a string of mental health issues, the achol made it worse, her hallucinations became more bizarre and behaviour more paranoid.

All he wanted, was to help people in need, so thats why he joined the soviet Union, as soon, as the opportunity rised available. Before, he was helping his father, run their family coal business.

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