Chapter 8: Narti's gratitude

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A/n: Hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story, now this chapter will be mostly be of Y/n and Lotor's group, cause I want to give them some more time in chapters since after the Galra betrayal and other episodes are mostly of the paladins. Now let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

After I felt the ship out of warp jump meaning that we were away from any hostile Galra fire, I then get a call on comms which was Lotor and the other generals.

Y/n: {Y/n here.}

Lotor: {How's are you feeling Y/n, since the warp jump?}

Y/n: {I'm good, all the space training prepared me for many things.}

Ezor: {How's Narti doing?}

Y/n: {She's fine, just unconscious.}

Lotor: {Now, what is this Psychic blocker?}

Y/n: { You guys now how I'm able to communicate with Narti through my ghost Zera, right?}

Axca: {Yes.}

Y/n: {Well, me and Zera made a Psychic blocker to break and completely block out any intruders looking through Narti or Kova.}

Lotor: {So someone was looking through Narti. Thanks for catching that. Ezor, Axca set a course for the coordinates I'm sending you.}

Ezor: {Where are we going?}

Lotor: {Just do as I say.}

Y/n: [Must be on edge since Zarkon and the Galra attacked us.]

Lotor then turn off his comm, but I then noticed that Ezor had put me and Axca on a private comm channel, which got me curious.

Y/n: {Ezor? is there something on your mind?}

Axca: {Ezor, What are you doing?}

Ezor: {Securing communications to make sure Lotor can't hear us. Zarkon called him a criminal. Lotor's on the run. As his generals, that means we-}

Axca: {We must trust Lotor.}

Ezor: {What about Narti? She trusted him. You saw that he almost killed her, if it weren't for Y/n putting that blocker she would have been...}

Y/n: { it did caught me off guard, but at least I manage to solved the problem without any bloodshed.}

Axca: {Enough, Lotor will protect us. Y/n make sure you take care of Narti.}

Y/n: {You got it, I'll always have her's and yours backs.}

Ezor:*smiles* {Thanks Y/n. Also Narti might have a special surprise for you.~}

Zera/Axca: *giggles knowing what Ezor meant*

Y/n: {Wait wha-}

Both girls cut off their comms leaving me confused, but I made my way to the resting body of Narti and placed her head on my lap rubbing her head, as I did that Kova jumped down from my shoulder and rested next to me. I then let myself rest for where ever Lotor is taking us too and what did Ezor mean about surprise.


3rd pov

As the ships that Lotor and his generals were in and piloting that lead them to space dust and large asteroids floating about.

Zethrid: {Sir, we're approaching the coordinates, but my scanners don't detect anything.}

Lotor: {Their not supposed to.}

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