Chapter 10: Facing Zarkon

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A/n: Hello my fellow readers! here is the next chapter to this story, now let go on with the chapter.

Y/n's pov

We all regrouped at the Castle of Lions, and due to this dire situation Shiro finally gave me back my father's gun, While we do have a plan in case things go south and I was in the shuttle with Shiro, Pidge, Matt and Lotor. While Narti and Kova were still in the castle of Lions, but I managed to convince Allura to let her free which she was one tough cookie to crack.

Once we were reaching the planet's surface, I made sure to keep my hand cannon and sword with me since this is Zarkon we're talking about here, once the shuttle made a full stop and landed on the ground. We got out of the shuttle and look around to see that Zarkon or any Galra Empire member to be anywhere in sight.

Matt: Are you sure this is the place?

Y/n: Yeah, cause I've got a bad feeling about this.

Shiro: This is the place.

Pidge: So, where's Zarkon?

I remember from the time Zarkon contacted the Castle of Lions after trying to find Matt's and Pidge's father, only to discover that Acxa, Ezor and Zethrid got to him first, even though me and the girls had a brief glance with one another. I can tell they were only doing this to win back favor of the Galra Empire and to cover mine and Narti's tracks if we left any, while the others didn't know me and Narti have a plan if it comes down to us having to fight the girls.

Pidge: I uh? There.

We turn to the sky and see a purple shine making its way to us, which is revealed to be a ship slowly descending down to the ground across from us, then the doors open to reveal Zarkon waiting by the doors still with the mask on hiding his face. Then I remember Lotor's words when he was trying to form an alliance with the Paladins, which was tough at first but Luckily Allura is willing to go with his plan, but is still rather rocky with some trust issues.

Zarkon: Show me Lotor!

Shiro: Show us Commander Holt first!

We look pass Zarkon to see that Ezor and Acxa have Mr. Holt standing between them, while Ezor holds on to the older man's arm in case he tries running, which at the sight of Mr. Holt Pidge tries to go to her father. But Shiro stops her by placing his hand on her shoulder.

Pidge: Dad!

Zarkon: Now, where is Lotor?

3rd pov

-In Zarkon's ship-

Within a chamber of Zarkon's ship, Haggar stands in the center of a glowing floor then starts screaming with everything around her going white, now finding herself on all fours and turns to a bed. With the image then showing herself in the bed pregnant, with a younger looking Zarkon and two Galra with them.

younger Zarkon: Can you save the child?

Galra: We will try, sire. There are many complications.

Haggar then hears sounds of a baby crying, which she turns to see a Galra style baby carriage that holds a baby with white hair, then the cries were replaced with laughter and Haggar looks around to see a child Lotor with ominous glowing yellow eyes. The child runs which Haggar follows only to stop to see the adult Lotor with his back facing her, Lotor then urns with the same glowing yellow eyes which makes a bright light which returns Haggar to reality.

Haggar: My son... Lotor.

-back at the planet-

The shuttle doors opens to reveal Lotor with Y/n behind him, to give off the image that he is part of the Resistance and Voltron, while in space just near by of the planet the Castle of Lions waits on stand by. Which Allura, Lacy, Hunk and Coran watch the exchange on the monitor, waiting for any backstabbing from Zarkon to happen.

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