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Sagira updated☝︎


𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 22𝐧𝐝, 2020

"Whea my phone at?" I asked Sagira, looking around her room. She shrugged and continued talking to herself while playing with one of the toy cars she got for her birthday.

She was so nice but now she mean as fuck. Dont know what happened.

"Fall, you seen my phone?" I asked, seeing him come out the room. "Its in the kitchen on the counter." He responded as Sonder came behind him.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed my phone. When I cut it on I saw that I had some messages from Pharoah. I sucked my teeth and brushed my waves with my hand.

How he tryna apologize but still laid up wit Tyrone or whatever the nigga name was. Leaving him on seen, I made my way back to my room after checking on Sagira one more time.

I turned my game on before plugging my phone in and turning the ringer off.


"Why yo phone keep lighting up?" Fallon asked, feeding Sond some of his food. I shrugged and watched my phone light up again.

Might have to change my number. Keep blowin my shit up like he don't have a whole other nigga he chillin wit. The shit ain't even makin me sad nomo its pissin me off.

Like damn I was really dumb enough to get inside another relationship after what happened last time. I sucked my teeth and looked up at the ceiling, putting my hands over my face as my head fell back on the couch.

"Fuck, I'm stupid." I muttered to myself, getting up slowly since Sagira was sleep underneath me.

Picking my phone up, I walked back to my room and threw it on the bed before taking my shirt off and closing the door with my foot.

I sat in my chair, grabbing my controller and untying the string to my sweatpants since they was a lil too tight.


"Mane, these niggas cheatin!" Ole dude said making me chuckle and shake my head, leaning forward in my seat. "Nah nigga you just ass thats all." I responded.

This my lil nigga. Slow as hell but we been friends since middleschool. He was one of the niggas ian cut off even though Pharoah was tryna make me cut him off.

And now thinkin back to the relationship, the shit was kinda toxic can't even lie bout it. He wouldn't let me talk to people and if I did he would get upset and stop talking to me for days, tellin everybody that I 'cheated'.

I could just glance at somebody and he gon trip about the shit tellin me if they look better than him then be with em.

There was times where I did get pissed enough to put my hands him but I decided against it cause ian wanna hurt him. But when he said that shit a few months ago, I lost my shit and ended up chokin his ass.

Probably my third time putting my hands on somebody I went out wit. He made me happy sometimes but I was mostly pissed and upset the whole relationship.

"The food done, Fath." Sonder said after opening my door and buttoning up his work shirt. "Aight." I replied, standing up but still playing the game.

"You gon leave me fo some food?" Vonn said. "Hell yea." I said, licking over my teeth and cutting the game off along with my headsets.

Fuck he thought I was gon do, stay?

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