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𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 1𝐬𝐭, 2019

I stared at Fathan as he talked on the phone, walking around the room. "Ion appreciate chu callin me out my name like that." I said making him look over at me.

"My fault, princess." He responded, walking over to me to kiss my forehead but I dodged it and mushed him in his head. This not even the first time it happened but its gettin to the point whea I have to tell him he calling me out my name, repeatedly.

And his answer is always the same, 'my fault baby' or 'my bad mamas.' You ain't even sorry if you keep doin it so there ain't no need to apologize.

Ion even know who he on the phone wit. "Who was that?" I asked him, getting up to throw my chip bag away. "Somebody who ain't important." He said as he sat down in his chair.

"They gotta have atleast some importance to you since you been on the phone for almost 3 hours. You ain't gon talk to somebody who ain't important to you for 3 hours, Fathan." I said, crossing my arms.

"Mane, gone somewhea wit that shit." He replied, turning on his ps4. "Who was it? Thats all you gotta tell me." I said, sitting back on the bed.

"No one, damn." He continued. I bit my lip and stared at the back of his head. "Guess we lyin n keepin shit a secret na." I mumbled.


"Whea Fathan?" Fallon asked basically busting inside the room. I shrugged slowly before he slammed the door and walked off. I got up and slid on a random pair of slippers before opening the door.

"What the fuck is this?" Fall had asked Fathan who was laid out on the couch but got woken up by Fallon kicking the fuck outta him.


He threw a few small bags at him before sitting down on the armrest to the other couch. "What is that shit, Cassius?" Fall asked again, using his middle name this time.

"Io- Dont say 'ion know' cause nigga I know you know. Analyze that shit since you actin slow and tell me what the fuck it is." He said cutting Fathan clean off.

"Benzos." Fathan replied after a few minutes. "Yea, Benzodiazepines. Why the fuck is this shit in this house? My fuckin child is hea witchu while you doin the shit." Fall said, standing up.

"And you thinkin shit is a game? Get the fuck up." Fall watched as Fathan sat up before standing. Fallon clenched his fist before unclenching it and relaxing. He stared at Fathan for a while before walking off.

Sonder came out a few minutes later, only in a pair of shorts. He had been sleeping, having work last night and didn't get off till the morning. He yawned and looked over at Fath, seeing him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.


"Whea we goin?" Fathan asked Fall as he sped down the interstate. Fallon ignored him and kept his head straight. Close to 2 hours later, they pulled up to a big building.

"Get out and get a room." He mumbled, pointing towards the entrance of the Rehab and laying his head on the steering wheel. Fathan looked at him and shook his head before grabbing his duffle bag and getting out the car.

He leaned back in to grab his phone before slamming the door and walking away. Fall watched as he went inside the building and up to the front desk. "My second fuckin time comin up hea." He mumbled leaning back in his seat and running his hands down his face.

He drove off once he saw the lady bring Fath around the back.

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