Chapitre 5

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Last chapter ! Thank you for reading till then ! I hope you had fun reading this, as I had fun writing it ! Comment are accepted and cherished, so don't hesitate ❤️

A month passed.

It had taken Apollo many hours to convince Percy that he was not the monster he saw in himself, lying in the grass, watching the clouds pass, as Percy confided in all his doubts, all of them. His regrets. The god did nothing but listen to him, his hand gently stroking the ebony hair, as Percy's head rested comfortably in the crook of his shoulder. Other times the demigod was seated on the edge of the marble fountain, with Apollo's head in his lap. Those days, it was Apollo who confided in the fear that the gaze of others inspired him, his fear of loving again after all his failures and misfortunes in this area.

"I'm sure you'll find the right person one day," Percy would tell him then, a tender smile on his lips.

Apollo remained silent, thinking that he would give anything to make this 'right person' the young man caressing his blonde locks.

Rumors had started to spread, and the most curious of nymphs and satyrs would peek into Leto's Garden from time to time, shocked to find so much sweetness in their fiercest god and their most fierce and brave hero. To see them, playing distractedly and happily, one would have thought that they were only two young lovers barely discovering the joys of love.

These rumors quickly reached the ears of Artemis and Hermes, who were then smiling with pleasure.

Despite everything, Percy did not forget Apollo's distress that first day, and while the sun was at its zenith, and they easily ate sitting on a tiled tablecloth brought by the nymphs - Percy had blushed at the winks from the nymph who had bringing them their meal - he turned to the god. "You never told me why you started running away from me."

Apollo froze, and slowly turned to the young man, who had the curious gaze.

"Is it necessary to know ? We spend all our days together now, it is obvious that I do not avoid you anymore."

Percy looked both hurt and satisfied. "So you admit you avoided me !"

Apollo looked away, swearing under his breath. Percy moved closer to him, taking his face in his hands, forcing him to look at him. He seemed to be searching for something in the god's blue eyes, and he must have found it, for he began to smile very softly. His eyes were shining with happiness, as if he had just discovered the recipe that would allow him to cure cancer. Then very gently, as tenderly as possible, giving the god enough time to pull back if he wished, he put his lips to his.

Apollo's eyes widened, observing his gentle face, full of scars from his many fights, not really understanding what was going on. Then an electric current passed through him right through, and he found himself closing his eyes too, pressing his mouth, tilting his head slightly to get a better angle.

Neither had heard the whispers behind the garden hills, much less the arrival of the sea god who urged everyone to leave, to give them their privacy. They did not hear his blessing, until he disappeared into the maze of Olympus.

Percy finally stood up. Apollo kept his eyes closed, and leaned his head lightly against the shoulder of his love, who had resumed his caresses.

"Why ?" He finally whispered.

Percy smirked, even though the god couldn't see him.

"Despite what can be said about me, I am not blind, and I know how to add two plus two. You avoid me like the plague, and when I start spending time with you, you get so bright that the whole of New York City wonders why there hasn't been a rainy day yet. You look for my touch, you give me gifts... And people are talking. Rumors abound about us."

Apollo raised his head.

"But why now ?"

Percy gently stroked the god's cheek, who delighted in the gesture.

"Because you are the only one who sees me not as the supernatural and powerful hero, but as the weak, frightened man. You love every part of me, whether normal, divine or monstrous. I have never felt so good as in the past few months. Seeking the truth is no longer the reason I come, Apollo."

The god was frowning, not understanding. Percy had told him he would follow him until he told him the truth. Percy laughed lightly, amused to see the confused look of the one he hoped would become his love.

"Apollo, since when do you think I know about it ?"

"I don't know, a few days ?"

Percy gently shook his head."I know since the first week I spent with you."

Apollo opened his mouth, shocked at this admission. But then why...?

"You are indeed the god of Truth. You can't lie, your eyes always betray you." The demigod smiled at him. He lifted his head, observing the brilliant reflections the trees let through. "At first I wanted to reject you in a gentle way, but I didn't know how to do it, so I stayed with you, hoping that spending time with me will make you forget your love for me. I was wrong, obviously. Then I continued because you seemed so happy to see me, and even the other gods were in a good mood to see you so happy."

He looked down at Apollo, who continued to watch him, a smile on his lips.

"Then the story happened with Annabeth, and you helped me heal. You treated me with kindness, never expecting anything from me in return. I guess I just ended up falling under your spell, your tenderness."

He leaned over him, and trapped his lips with his once again, before slowly withdrawing.

"Well done, Apollo, you managed to make me fall in love with you."

He winked at him, and Apollo realized at the same time that Percy had absolutely not been blind to the ploys he had put in place to seduce him. He had just accepted everything, and had just lost. And he recognized it.

The god began to have tears in his eyes, and threw himself on Percy's neck, who fell backwards onto his back, bursting into laughter. Apollo went from laughter to tears. He had never been happier in his life, so understood. He finally felt free and complete. He would never let Percy escape him, he would be his, as Apollo himself belonged to him.

He hugged him even more, getting up a little, to run the demigod's face with wet kisses, on his cheeks, forehead, nose, neck. He finally reached his lips, and pressed them against his. Percy let out a small gasp of surprise, before letting it go, and sharply participated in the kiss.

They had finally found each other, and expected to be as happy as possible together.

Until the end of time.

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