Chapter 3 -The Greatest Hero's Meet

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Meanwhile, Son Goku and Friends were

still discussing the hole in the sky. "Alright I have had enough I do not care what you say I am going to

break that portal if you like it or not! said Vegeta. "Now Vegeta please be patient before Whis could finish

the rest of his sentence," Bulma yelled out wait one second what is that! Bluma pointed to the hole

something was falling from the sky. Everyone below started panicking except Whis as if he had been

expecting them. Then the Mane of Six fell fast but gently onto the ground. "See girls that was not so

bad said Twilight.  "Not noticing the people staring at them before she got up The Mane of Six then

got up off the ground. "Goku then stepped forward then Twilight turned around and noticed the people

looking at them. "Twilight and her friends were a little frightened and stepped back. "Wow cool they're like alien

creatures! said Goku. "We are aliens's said Vegeta. "Oh, right said Goku as he scratched his head and

laughed. "Welcome to Earth!!!!! said Goku.  Everyone stood back terrified of the Mane of Six not knowing what they were. "Cool said both Trunks and Goten. "Don't you dare touch them they could be

poisonous said Chi-Chi. "What are they?? asked Krillin". " I do not know but they are not like any other

creature I have seen before said Android 18. "Yep they sure are different Yamcha said Puar".  "Yup I have

never seen anything like them said Yamcha. " Interesting said Beerus they have not changed much since

the last time I saw an equine said Lord Beerus. "Wait you have seen these hideous creatures before asked

Vegeta. "Hey! yelled Rainbow Dash angry. "They can talk??? said Vegeta. "Of course, we can talk said

Pinkie Pie. "We carry on lots of conversations we even sing songs some pony's love to talk, and talk, and

talk, and talk, while other pony's do not like to talk very much at all said Pinkie Pie.  "Like Fluttershy right here am I right

Fluttershy said Pinkie Pie. "Fluttershy stood there frozen with fear not being able to speak.

"Fluttershy was terrified at all the faces staring at her. "Piccolo and Tien then appeared at the scene staring directly at the Mane of 6 but still stood at a distance.

Then out of the corner of her eye, Fluttershy spotted A 3 eyed monster as she described earlier

Fluttershy was terrified of Tien she then whispered to herself big scary 3 three-eyed monster.

"Fluttershy then hid behind Pinkie Pie. "Fluttershy gave out a squeal. "Hey, who are you calling hideous?

 you spiky-haired creature said Rainbow Dash. "Hold your horses Rainbow Dash said AppleJack. "Hello, 

My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle I am the ruler of Equestria. "HI, I am Son Goku the Legendary Super Saiyan.

Goku then put out his hand and shook Twilight's hoof. "Nice to meet you said Twilight with a smile. "Nice to meet you

as well said Goku.  

" Who in world are you? did you cause the hole in the sky? asked Vegeta. "No, we were going to ask you that same question, did you? asked Rainbow Dash. "Of course, not said Vegeta. "So

Twilight why have you come to our universe? asked Goku. "Me and my friends have come to this

universe to try and find out who is causing the hole in the sky. "Someone here in this universe is trying to rebuild a bridge to both of our worlds said Twilight. Whis then stepped forward welcome, Princess

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