Chapter 4-Discord to the Rescue!

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"Meanwhile back in Equestria Starlight Glimmer was in Canterlot Castle going through the long list of things

Twilight left behind for Starlight to do. Starlight was extremely nervous she was not sure about how good she would be at this new responsibility because of her past. But since Twilight Sparkle had so much

confidence in her it reassured her that she would do simply fine. But still, deep-down Starlight was

incredibly nervous she was carrying a huge responsibility. What am I going to do Starlight said to

herself nervously were should I start first, she said to herself. Oh, dear Starlight you are talking to

yourself again stop that! Starlight said Starlight Glimmer to herself. Suddenly over Starlight Glimmer's head, it

started to rain but not just any rain chocolate rain. Starlight looked above her head to see a giant cotton candy cloud floating

up over her head. "Discord!! shouted Starlight. "Goodness gracious said a Voice. "Starlight You must have

a little bit of fun here just a tad bit of chaos I thought would just brighten up your day said the Voice.

But apparently, you are no fun said the Voice. "Suddenly through the Castle wall's Discord the Lord of

Chaos and Destruction appeared right in front of Starlight Glimmer. "Tell me Starlight where's Fluttershy

and the others?. "Fluttershy was supposed to have tea with me this evening so I decided to stop by and

see where she was but apparently, I cannot find her anywhere in PonyVille said Discord. "Suddenly

there was a knock at the Palace doors the doors then flung open. Have no fear Princess the Capper is

here and from Abyssinia said, Capper. "Capper, what are you doing here? said Starlight Glimmer

"I came to drop by to see how the Princess was doing and to give her a message about Tempest she is doing

well, she has so far shared the message of the Storm Kings defeat all over Equestria said, Capper. "Excuse me

but who in the world are you? said Discord. " I'm Capper a close friend of Princess Twilight and the others said, Capper.

"But I think the real question is who you are I've never seen you before or ever heard of you said

Capper. "I am Discord the Lord of chaos and the best friend of Fluttershy said Discord annoyed and

Irritated. "Oh yes, now I remember Fluttershy did mention you said, Capper. "Well nice to meet you

Discord said, Capper. "Yes, yes, yes nice to meet you too said Discord very quickly trying to get out of the

conversation so he could know where Fluttershy and the others were. "It is so strange that

Fluttershy would forget something like that but I guess it kind of makes sense since she was preparing to

go to that other world and all said Starlight. "Oh No said Starlight catching herself and covering her mouth with her

hoof Starlight was not supposed to tell any-pony about where Twilight Sparkle and her friends had gone

but it had slipped out. Wait what?????????? said Discord. "Fluttershy and the others went where?

said Discord. "Nowhere, Nowhere at all said Starlight Glimmer trying to cover up what she just said but it

was too late. "Do not try to fool me Starlight I heard exactly what you said now where exactly did they go

Starlight? said Discord. "What other world do you speak of? the human world or the other said Discord it is

indefinitely important that you tell me said Discord as he picked Starlight Glimmer off the ground and

shook her. "Alright, Alright I will tell you just put me down said Starlight Glimmer. "Twilight and the

others went to a different world not the human world I think they went to the Dragon World said

Starlight. What? said Discord Panic-stricken. "

"Whoa, another world huh? said Capper deeply Interested

as Capper scratched his chin. "I did not know that could be possible said, Capper. Discord then started

panicking Oh, No what if hairless Beerus finds out said Discord. "Discord then held onto his horns. "Who's Beerus? said Starlight

Glimmer. "No one at all just an old friend who took my place that is all said Discord. "Calm down Discord

you just made a deal a big Switcheroo it's totally fine the Grand Minister will never know said Discord to himself

laughing nervously and then going into hysterics. "Who am I kidding! I have got to find Twilight and the others and bring them

them back! said Discord. "What wait ??? what said Starlight. "See you later I got to run said Discord.

"Discord wait! what are you doing?? said Starlight. "Discord then snapped his fingers, and he was gone.

"Whoa, where did he go? said, Capper. "I do not know but we have got to go tell Princess Celestia and

Princess Luna right away! said Starlight. Starlight Glimmer then rushed into the hall where she found

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I have something urgent to tell

you said Starlight. "I am sure it cannot be that urgent since you just started your job, and you do not have to

worry you are doing quite nicely said, Luna. "No, that is not it, you know how you told me not to tell no

pony about Twilight and her friends' new quest said Starlight. Yes, why? asked Princess Celestia. "Well

Discord came into the room and I accidentally might have told him about where Twilight and others

were said Starlight. "What!!!!!! said Luna and Celestia' panic-stricken. "This is bad this horrible said, Luna.

"I am so, so, sorry I knew something would go wrong said Starlight. "Discord said he was going to try to

bring Twilight and the others back said Starlight. "Discord can't go into that universe again or there could

be grave consequences said, Celestia. "Well, sister we must go and bring him back before he Interferes with

the mission said, Luna. "Yes, have to go back even though it will be difficult we must go back said, Celestia.

"Wow I come to visit once and then all this happens it looks like you princesses need my help said

Capper. "Thank you, Capper, will you come with us asked Luna? "Yes, you could use a friend like me to

help you out said, Capper. "Then it's settled then Luna and Capper and I will go into the Dragon World and

bring back Discord before the Grand Minister finds out he's there and he gets into trouble said, Celestia. "Starlight you must stay here and raise the sun and moon while we are gone said, Luna. Starlight then was

trembling not only did she have her responsibilities from Twilight she now had Princess Celestia and Princess

Luna's responsibilities now to Starlight was now panicked. "Starlight go and get some of your friends to help you while we are gone, We trust you Starlight said, Princess Celestia. "You got this ok said Luna.

"Thank you again Capper for volunteering to come with us said, Luna. "Anytime Princess said, Capper. "Good luck all of you please come back ok!!! said Starlight. Luna and Celestia smiled at Starlight then

they used their magic and then they were transported to the Crystal Empire where Celestia, Luna, and

Capper went through the mirror where they were transported to the Dragon World. Celestia, Luna, and Capper had now found themselves on a strange new planet.

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