6:: Y/n and Bertoldt

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As soon as Armin and Annie left, You realized. It was time, it was just you and Bertoldt and you weren't going to fuck it up. You kept making conversation with him until you felt your pocket constantly vibrating. You took your phone and accepted the call, it was Armin.

'Hey Y/n, it's Annie. I'm sorry, we totally just left. Don't tell him I called you bye." She didn't give u a chance to answer, it sounded like she was having fun. "They decided to wander off without us." I frowned, I didn't want to blow our cover.

"Heyy, don't worry i know it's just the two of us now but, we are going to have a great time. I promise." He gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back.

"YOU LOOK SO STUPID." I said as he took off a wig. We were both basically rolling at the ground at this point. I feared we would get kicked out but, who can blame us? We were having so much fun.

"Oh god I'm really feeling like boba." I said basically dragging Bertoldt there. I paused for a minute, Annie was already there with Armin. They looked like they were also having a great time, it hurt me. He wouldn't replace me would he?

"Uhm, actually I don't want boba anymore." I turned and started walking away. I shifted my head to look at him, to my surprise he was already looking at me. "Wanna go watch a movie?" He asked. "You read my mind." I smiled at him.

"Uhm two small popcorns please." I told the cashier.

"Can you actually make that a medium? Just one please." That made me go crazy, he wants to share?

"Also, add two mixed icees and a box of skittles please." The guy just nodded and handed our snacks. "That would be $25.64 please" I took out my purse and right when I was about to hand him the money, Bertoldt pushed my hand away and payed.

"You didn't have to pay, I was willing too." I said

"Cmon it was my idea, you can pay next time. We smiled at eachother and found our seats.

'Why a horror movie? I should've told him I get scared easily.'

Out of nowhere there was a jump scare. I gripped my hand on anything near me. His hand, I was now squeezing it.

He locked eyes with me, I swear I would see him catch a glimpse of my lips. We were only a couple inches away and I could feel myself getting hotter.

We both realized what was going on and quickly looked away.


on our way out, we threw out our trash. We decided to walk around outside. It was beautifully decorated, there were fairy lights everywhere. It had a garden, a park with benches. And of course, more shops.

We sat down on one of the benches and talked.

"So how long have you known Eren and Mikasa?" He asked me. It sounded like he was actually curious.

"Ever since we were like 5, our moms were friends so it was kinda expected." I replied.

"When Armin moved here, we found out his mother was also friends with our moms. We quickly became best friends, family." I smiled to myself

"You love him." He said.

"Yes I do, he means the world to me. Same with Eren and Mikasa. I don't know what I would do without them." I didn't know what he meant by that but, I didn't lie. I loved him, like family.

I shifted my head to face him, we locked eyes.

once again, we were close, too close.

It was comfortable so, we stayed there for a while.

It was silent, perfect.

"Hey Bert?"

"Yeah?" He almost hummed

"I like you. I've liked you for a while actually."

He smiled at me.

"Y/n, you're such a perfect girl. Too perfect, you are gorgeous, smart, funny. You are, too good for me... that's why i can't accept your feelings." He said. I felt my heart sink.

"Bert- I, I'm not perfect. I never was.." I could feel my eyes get watery.

"You need someone that can make u feel like a princess, I can't. I'm not perfect, or smart. I'm just ordinary." He looked like he was about to cry too but, he kept smiling for me.

"You are enough Bert-." I felt my face get stiffy as tears rolled down my cheek.

"You already found your person, someone that loves you dearly." He held my cheek with one hand and my hand with his other.

He wiped my tears away before I let my self go into his chest, I have him a hug. He massaged circles into my back.

"I'm so lame huh?" He asked.


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