4:: Crushes / Plans

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1 year later
"Hey mom." I said to her as I walked into the kitchen.

"Oh hey sweetheart, there's food in the fridge if you're hungry.

"Nah I'm good, I'm actually going over to Eren and Mikasa's place. I'll be back by midnight." I walked out.

"MIDNIGHT?" I heard her yell to me as I closed the door.

Eversince my she told me the whole reason why my dads not in my life, we've kinda stopped being as close. We used to spend most of our time together, now we only ever say hi to eachother. It kinda hurts and I'm thinking about fixing my relationship with her but, she lied to me.

I knocked a few times on their door until Mikasa opened.

"Hey N/nnn (nickname)." She greeted me with a hug."

"It's been way too long Mikasa, how'd it go?" I asked her. Mikasa and her family went away for a month. Her parents had a business trip in the U.S, they didn't want to be away from the two of them for so long so they figured why not take them?

"It was pretty fun, come in. Armin is upstairs and Eren is in the shower."

We went up the stairs

"Armin's here already? I told him to wait for me."

"Yeah sorry Y/n, you just take too long." To my surprise he was right in front of me.

I looked over to Mikasa and gave her a 'back me up' type look. She just shrugged and walked away.

"I guess I can't even argue with that. Cmon let's go." I giggled and pulled him by his arm and guided him to eren's room.

"God Y/n, don't pull my sweater like that."

About two minutes later Mikasa and Eren came back.

We all sat on his bed and talked about school, and stuff like that. Then, the crushes subject was brought up.

"What about you Mikasa? Everyone knows Jean has a crush on you." I asked.

"For real, he makes it too obvious it's hilarious." Added Eren.

"Oh god I know, I've told him multiple times I'm not interested. Idk what I'm going to do with him." She hid her face.

"So there isn't anyone who you've taken a liking to?" Asked Armin.

"Not really, I'm just focusing on my self, and school of course."

"That makes sense, what about you Armin?" Eren tried to cover his laugh.

"Shut up Eren, you know my answer." He gave eren a 'stfu' look.

"Yeah I know, you should make a move though. It's been what, 4 years?" Eren took a sip of his soda.

"Eren shut up you know he tries, she just runs away." I said

He almost spit his drink everywhere, he tried to hold back his laughter. "I.. I know, that's what it's f-funny." He ended up laughing so much that he choked.

Once he cooled down,he turned to face me. "Oh god eren plea-."

"Y/n Y/n Y/n, what about you?" He smirked. "Shut up, now you're just teasing us." I giggled.

Mikasa's face lit up, "why don't we ask them to hang out? Just the 6 of us, me and eren can run off And be the four of you alone? After that, you just need a good plan to make sure u end up with Bertoldt or for u Armin, Annie." It wasn't a bad idea

I looked at Armin, "should we?" He nodded.

I realized it was getting late so I said my goodbyes and rushed on home.

That same night, we made a group chat.


Hey guys
Oh hi

What's up?

Armin 🩲
We've never hung out outside of school so, we thought it would be cool if we did.

Yeah that sounds like fun, when though?

I'm free tomorrow

Ok then, is everyone free tmr?


Armin 🩲

Mikasa 👻
Me and Eren are both free

Ok but likee, who's gonna be our ride?😳

My mom can't take us LOL

Tmr it is then, and I'll ask my mom ⚠️

Bet bbg👩‍🔧

I put my phone down and felt myself sink into my bed. I sighed, "I have to go shower".

As soon as I came back to my room from my shower, i checked my notifications, he had a plan for tomorrow.

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