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ricky knocked on chris's door. "chris, it's thursday. i really need your part of the payment. it's due today and it can't be late."

chris growled and put his pillow over his head. it was two o'clock, still too early for him to worry about this., or get out of bed.

"i really need it before i go to work. i have to drop it off at the front desk." ricky knocked on the door again, a little bit louder this time. "chris i really need you to pay your part."

chris threw his pillow at the wall, standing up and opening the door forcefully, startling the small boy in front of him.

"give me a minute, damn." chris said.

"it's just that i'm about to go to work and i have to drop it off before five today because that's when the office closes. i reminded you yesterday about this."

"yeah, i heard you the first time." chris said, his voice still deep and sleepy. he tore the little rectangle paper from his checkbook, handing it to ricky.

"thank you!" ricky smiled. "i won't be gone that long today, my shift is just three hours today. but please remember to not let my cats outside if you go out or open the door."

"hey, do you care if i have a friend over tonight?" chris asked, stopping the boy.

ricky shook his head. "no, you live here now too. you don't have to ask me about things like that."

the short boy stepped outside of his apartment, locking the door behind him and going to his car to go to work.

he worked at a small coffee shop and was always excited for work. he loved to be there, surrounded by the sweet smell of fresh coffee and pastries, his best friend vinny, worked there too.

ricky walked into the coffee shop, immediately greeted by vinny who was sitting in a booth, drinking an iced coffee. the boy waved to vinny, clocking in and grabbing his name rage before he went to sit with his friend.

the sheik was usually slow, so the two had lots of time to catch up on rickys recent news about his new roommate.

"so is he cute?" vinny asked, swirling his straw in the ice in his cup.

ricky blushed a bit, avoiding the question. "he seems nice, he's just quiet and sleeps a lot."

"so you do think he's cute!" vinny gasped.

"do not! and anyways, he doesn't seem like he'd be into guys." ricky said.

"you never know. but what about that guy you were talking to? is that's till going on?"

ricky nodded. "we're actually planning to go on a date when he comes back! he's in a band and he's still in pennsylvania with the rest of them, but he said he should be back in around two weeks."

"do you know where y'all are going?" vinny asked.

"not yet. but hopefully something cute like dinner and a movie." ricky said. "i think i really like him, he seems really nice, and he's hot."

"oh i know, you showed me. but you also think your new roommate is cute." he said.

"no." ricky whined. "and anyways, i'd feel guilty if i found him attractive because of ryan."

"so?" vinny asked. "y'all aren't dating yet, nothings official. nothing is posted in either of y'all's instagrams. and anyways, you're allowed to be attracted to someone else, it doesn't mean anything."

"i guess you're right, but there's no way he's into guys." ricky said.

a small part of him did in fact find his new roommate attractive, but he knew nothing would ever happen between them and he had ryan. ryan was nice and seemed to be gentle and caring, just the type of potential boyfriend ricky was looking for.

when the boy got back to his apartment for the night he was greeted by his cats twirling around his legs and meowing, their way of asking for more food.  ricky followed them into the kitchen, pouring the food into two
separate bowls for them. 

ricky had brought home a sandwich from work and set the box on the counter so he could change clothes.  he went into his room, putting on loose sweatpants and a t-shirt for the night, going back into the kitchen to get his food, only to find chris standing at the counter, eating his sandwich. 

ricky was disappointed, and hungry, but he decided to just forget about it.  chris was probably hungry, and ricky could make something else for himself anyways. 

"is your friend coming over tonight?" ricky asked, attempting to make conversation.

"no.  tomorrow night or something." chris said and left the empty box on the counter, getting his third cup of the day from the cabinet and filled it with water. 

again, ricky chose to not say anything.  it was only the second day of chris living with him and he didn't want to cause any problems between the two. 

ricky tried his best to resist cleaning up in front of chris, he didn't want to give off the wrong impression and make chris feel about about leaving trash and cups on the counter.  chris probably didn't usually do this and would soon be better about picking up after himself ricky thought. 

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