Chapter Thirteen

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"I decided where I want to go!" I informed Alessio proudly as I set his drink down in front of him.

"Non ora." He muttered and waved me off.

(not now)

"But you said-"

"Non ora." He said sharply then glanced to me. "Not now." He clarified.

"You know, you would save a lot of time and energy if you would just speak English the first time. Then I wouldn't have to stand here like an idiot waiting for you to repeat yourself and you wouldn't have to waste your breath doing so either."

"Non ora!" He snapped and smacked his hand off the table. A moment later he was on his feet with his hand on my elbow he dragged me away from the table. "Don't you remember what I said when you first started? If we look busy, we are, if we don't look busy, we still are."

"I'm sorry I just-"

"Acqua in bocca, don'tsay a word!" He seethed. "I'm not your friend Katherine, you don't come to me for pleasant conversation, and especially not when I'm in the middle of something. Fa Napoli!" He yelled and threw his hand out and up into the air.

(get the hell out of here)

I flinched at his hand shooting out towards me and shrunk backwards.

"Uffa." He groaned and slapped the hand onto his head. "Just go. Go work somewhere else tonight. Switch with someone, someone competent please."


"Yes sir." I said and turned my head to the ground.

As I sulked away I heard one of the men at the table say to Alessio in a low voice. "Porca vacca! Non te la prendere."

(Holy shit! Didn't get so upset)

To which Alessio replied with an annoyed sounding, "Chiudi il culo."

(Shut the fúck up)

At the end of the day when I got back to my room I groaned. "Mia! You left another one of your gifts on my bed!"

I picked up the giant stuffed bear and dragged it across the room.

"Nuh uh girl, that's all you." She said stopping me just before I reached her bed.


"You see anyone else in this room?" She teased. "Tag on the ear! Tag on the ear! Who is it from?" She seemed more excited about this bear than I was.

I plopped the bear back onto my bed and pulled the tag roughly off. "Mi dispiace, Don?"

"Alessio?!" She squealed. "Why, I never," she pulled the tag from my hand. "Alessio doesn't...did you?"

"Alessio?!" I repeated dumbstruck.

"Don, ya numbskull. As in the Don. You guys...?"

"No, no, no, I haven't. Not with anyone. I swear it!"

"Well shit." She said and sat down on the bed still examining the tag.

When The Sun Goes Down - A Midnight Mafia NovelWhere stories live. Discover now