Chapter Forty-One

339K 17.5K 8.9K

*~*~*~*Very important authors note!! *~*~*~

Now I am putting this note both before and after the chapter because I know a lot of people don't always read the authors notes after a chapter (Even I'M guilty of this at times...) but the book has passed 1k in votes! You guys actually passed this two chapters ago but I wanted to wait until these chapters were out to offer you guys your little reward.

This ENTIRE book is written from Kate's point of view. I know how a lot of wattpad novels alternate point of views and I know a lot of wattpad readers love the differentiating point of views. Therefore, that is your reward! A chapter in a different point of view.

Now here's why this authors note is so important. I'm NOT going to write the next chapter in Alessio's point of view because I already have it written. So what I'm going to do is I will rewrite ANY chapter thus far in the book in his point of view. And here's where you guys come in. I'm going to take votes.

That's right, votes. So from the very first chapter, up until chapter forty-one. I want to hear which ONE chapter YOU would like to read again only in Alessio's point of view. This is not limited to only the last few chapters, you have 41 chapters to choose from. When they first met, when they reconnected, the orchestra show or the bridge. literally, ANY chapter.

Now I know I usually only have a few people comment on each chapter, but I KNOW I have readers, and I want more than just a few votes. So for those of you who don't like to comment for whatever reason you can vote through comments or messages or hell, I don't care write it on my wall. This isn't just a clever ploy to get comments (much as i love them and trust me when i say i read EVERY SINGLE ONE)so i will gladly accept votes in other form. I honestly want to write whatever chapter the most amount of people want to read. Thus, the voting.

I will accept votes until JUNE TENTH (just because it sounds like a nice day and will give over a week for votes) and the I will start writing whichever chapter has the most votes obviously. I will post the chapter as soon as it is finished (meaning it won't be one of your every Monday updates it'll be an additional bonus update whenever it's finished.)
I personally wouldn't mind rewriting the chapter in which drunken Kate almost burns the hotel room down but my votes don't count, just yours (;

And please do remember to vote and comment.

"Excuse me?" I heard Alessio say in disbelief from outside the shower. I ignored him completely as I brought soap to loofa.

He slid the frosted glass door open and I pretended I didn't notice him standing naked just two feet away from me.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh? Are you still here?" I replied and pretended to be extremely interested in the bubbles I was creating on this sponge.

He waited impatiently for more before stepping into the shower and pulling the glass closed behind him. I knew whatever confidence I was faking was not strong enough to keep up with the rest of my body. I could surely blame the redness of my skin on the hot water but my shaking body was a bit of a different story.

"I'm gay?" He finally caved.

"I know."

"Katherine." He said sharply and this time I broke and glanced up to him. I had planned on giving him the most dismissive glance before turning back to the delicate process of cleaning myself but once our eyes connected I couldn't pull away. "I'm not gay."

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