Chapter Thirty-Three

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There is another surprising part to getting hit in the head with a gun, you know, in case getting hit in the head with a gun wasn't surprising enough. The other surprising part about getting hit not once, but twice with a gun is that it actually hurts a lot worse later than it did upon actual impact. I didn't know that. Not until I woke up that is.

I groaned as soon as my mind was half conscious, my eyes fluttered open and the world was blurry. I squeezed my eyes shut again. With each pulse of blood my head hurt worse than the last.

"Oh fúck. Oh fúck." I whispered praying that the world would be in focus when my eyes opened this time. What if he'd hit me so hard he'd permanently damaged my vision? That's possible isn't it?

I opened my eyes and after a few seconds everything cleared up. "Okay, this is okay. Don't cry, don't cry. It's all good..." I muttered to myself as I inspected my surroundings. I couldn't even focus enough to examine where I was, nothing mattered worse than the pain in my head. I tried to put my hand to my head but it didn't move.

I looked up. My wrists were tied together and then tied to a pipe above my head. Hard to believe this entire time I hadn't even realized I wasn't standing, I was hanging.

I looked up through squinted eyes. Rope wasn't as bad as chains. I would probably have an easier time getting out of ropes than I would chains. I wished I hadn't quit that magic class I had started, I might have learned some great escape tricks.

I rolled my eyes and put pressure on my feet. My wrists were already sre from supporting the weight of my body. I wondered how long I had been here already.

I pulled down on the ropes hard and flinched. Sheer brute force wasn't an option here obviously. I couldn't yank until I broke free I'd sooner dislocate something or rub myself raw.

I rested my aching head against one of my arms. "Okay...this is okay, everything is going to be okay. Just relax. Breathe." I reminded myself gently. I pursed my lips and focused on my breathing for a few seconds. I was perfectly calm. And then I lost it. Stomping and hopping up and down, pulling like crazy at the ropes moving my arms around in all directions and letting out grunts and squeals of frustration. I threw a huge and painful tantrum and when I was finished I let myself hang from the ropes again as it was the closest to throwing myself on the floor as I could get.

After letting my tantrum run it's course I got back to my feet. "Okay." I let out a long breath and laid my head against my arm again. "Easy girl. Just relax. Breathe." I started again.

A loud clank followed by a heavy metal door swinging open loudly and crashing into the wall behind it grabbed my attention. Light came through the open door and I tried to shield my eyes with my arm.

"So she lives!"

The door swung shut and I moved my head away from my arm.

I immediately recognized the man as the one who had hit me and my temper lit fire again. "Untie me you fúcking scum bag, I swear to God give me a fair fight and I'll hit you so hard your grandkids are going to feel it! I'm going to line the walls with your fúcking blood you mother-"

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