Leo's Concert

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She's running, heavy footsteps thundering against the ground as her heart pounds in her chest. She's tries to catch her breath; her head's spinning from the lack of oxygen, but she can't stop. She can't remember what she's running from; all she knows is that she has to get away.

It's getting closer, she can feel it.

She runs faster.

A presence is right behind her, she can feel it's hot breaths beating down her neck. It's grubby hand reaching forward to grab her-

"Hayley!" She wakes up with a gasp, eyes wide as she turns left and right, inspecting the room for any monsters lurking in the dark.

A hand grasps her chin, turning her to face her. "Hayley, you're ok." Jackie calmly tells her. "Breathe." The former places a hand on her back, rubbing it up and down in a soothing motion, hoping to appease her best friend.

Hayley can only nod, leaning back against the headboard when a feeling of serenity washes over her, and the tiredness left from the adrenaline rush takes over.

"Here." A mug appears in front of her and she accepts it gratefully, clutching it with both hands in the hope that the warmth will bring her back down to earth.

"Is it still the same nightmare?" Leo asks, settling himself at her other side.

She can only nod. It's been three months since that fateful Tech Conference, and yet she can't seem to get over it. She's always hyper aware of everything now; jumping at the slightest sounds, double checking everything to make sure nothing's out of place, making note of the nearest exits just in case of an emergency...

It's almost summer break and she still can't shake off the feeling that something bad is going to happen. If anything, the longer this "peace" remains, the more fearful she becomes. It-

"Hayley." Leo's soft voice breaks her out of her thoughts as he gently pries the now cold mug from her fingertips. "I think it's time for you to go to bed."

He helps her settle down, tucking her into the sheets, before he leaves her with Jackie. "Night Woods."

"Night." Hayley mumbles back before turning to her best friend.

"Things will be better from now on." Jackie simply says, brushing a few dark strands away from her face. "Just get some sleep."

And with that, Hayley is once again left alone to her thoughts. She stares at her ceiling for a while, counting the tiles before turning to the bed beside hers. Jackie's fast asleep, and so are Emma and Brooke.

She waits a few more minutes, sees the clock strike two, before getting up. With the blanket wrapped over her shoulders, she leaves the dorms and makes her way to the clubhouse.

It's different at night, the dim lighting sending a warm comforting glow throughout the clubhouse, and the uncharacteristic silence isn't eerie at all. Rather, its welcoming.

She sets up camp on the couch, snuggling the blanket as she lays her head on one of the throw pillows. She stares ahead at the open window, watching as the trees by the beach sway with the wind, and before she knows it, she's fast asleep.


"Hayley," A head pops in through her bedroom door and she immediately recognises it as Jackie. "You ready? It's time to go."

Said girl nods, waiting for her best friend to leave before slipping the pocket knife into her jeans. Her dad gave it to her years ago but it was only recently that she began keeping it close to her.

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