A Raven's Return

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Leo freezes for a second before turning around.

"Hayley!" Multiple voices sound at once and noticing the awkward tension in the air, Jackie is quick to pull the girl into a hug.

"Hey, pretty lady. We missed you." Happily, Hayley hugs her back, dropping her bag to the ground by her feet. "Did you break out again or are you finally free?"

"I missed you too." Hayley laughs. "And no, I did not break out again. They let me go."

"No hitchhiking, Woods?" Leo asks, bringing her in for a hug.

"Nope, mom and dad dropped me. They let me out a couple hours ago, and we came right here." She explains. "Don't tell Alex though, it's a surprise, Brooke."

Said girl closes her Louie, smiling sheepishly at the older girl. "Hey." They exchange hugs.

"So, who are the new Ravens?" Hayley asks, looking at the new faces.

"That's Manny." Leo introduces, and Hayley shakes his hand.

"It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Ms Hayley." Manny grins. "I've heard so much about you."

"All good things I hope." She jokes. "If Cruz said something, I think I have enough dirt on him for a good payback."

"Well-" He starts before he's cut off.

"And this is Court-" Leo tries to introduce.

"Courtney?" Hayley looks at the brunette, shocked. It's been years since she's last seen her, but she looks very much the same. She still has the same long brown hair, large almond-shaped hazel green eyes, and she'd know that smile anywhere.

"Hayley?" The girl pulls Hayley in for a hug, trying to make up for all their lost time in that single moment. "Oh my gosh. How have you been? It's been such a long time since I last saw you."

"I'm good. How are you? You never replied to any of my emails." Hayley asks her in return.

"Ok, ok." Leo comes in between the two girls. "As much as we enjoy watching this reunion, I think I'm as confused as everyone else, so I'm just going to ask 'what's going on?'"

"Hayley and I knew each other when we were little." Courtney explains. "We went to the same kindergarten so we've basically known each other since we were in diapers."

"But then you suddenly left in the first grade." Hayley points out. "And I haven't heard from you since."

"I told you, my dad was relocated so we had to move." Courtney explains. "And I lost my email address so I had no way of contacting you. Forgive me?" Giving her best impression of puppy dog eyes, she turns to her old friend.

"Ok." She smiles, picking her bag up. "I'm going to go put my stuff on my bed before I surprise Alex. It's still the same one right?"

"Of course." Jackie teases. "Captain here wouldn't let anyone else have it-"

Hayley shakes her head, laughing at the shade of red Leo's face was turning. "Thanks Leo."

When she returns, she takes a book out of Brooke's hands. "Come on, I need your help to surprise Alex." Happily, said girl follows.

"Can I come?" Courtney chimes in. "I don't think I recognised little Alex the last time I saw him."

"Sure." Hayley shrugs, leaving the clubhouse with the girls in tow. As she rounds the corner, she spots a familiar frame.

"Daniel." She calls out, breaking the boy from his thoughts.

"Hayley?" He quickly turns before running up to her. "You're back!" Giving her a hug, she immediately reciprocates, her arms winding around his back as his move into her hair. "How have you been? Does Alex know?"

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