Mysterious Letter

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"Hey, Jackie right?" Manny goes up to the girl playing with the play station.

"Yea." She nods. "And you're Manny?"

"Ding ding ding. We have a winner." He smiles at her, making her laugh. "What are you playing? Can I join?"

"Sure. There's another controller right there." She pauses the game, waiting for him to pick up the controller before starting a new one.

"Sweet." He steers his race car forward. "So, what's up with Leo? He's looking pretty down today."

"I'm sure he just misses Hayley. The two were practically inseparable while she was a Raven." She smashes his car into the wall.

"Where exactly is Hayley?" Manny asks, manoeuvring his car out of the wall and back onto the race track.

"She's at a mental retreat." Jackie sighs. "Poor girl was really stressed out so Louis gave her a break for as long as she needed. She'll come back once she feels ready."

"Oh, ok." Manny turns back to the game, accelerating his car so it's just in front of hers. "Give me a run down on everyone here?"

"For the Ravens, there's Max and Emma, the chess nerds. You can usually see them right there playing another round of chess. We're all waiting for Max to finally admit defeat and declare that Emma is a better chess player than he is." Jackie explains with a laugh. "And then there's..."

By this point, Courtney tunes the pair of them out. Getting bored of being on her own, she decides to seek out their captain. He looks like he could use some company.

"Hey Leo." She settles next to him on the couch. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He shrugs.

Courtney shakes her head at the slightly glum atmosphere of the clubhouse. The Ravens had lost the opening challenge as Anna had tricked Leo into letting go of his rope, leaving him splattered in paint.

"C'mon everyone." She takes out her Louie and begins to play a song. "It's too dull in here, we should have a dance party."

She pulls a reluctant Emma away from the chessboard, getting her up and moving to the beat before moving on to Brooke, then Leo. She spins the boy around before letting him spin her. By the end, they're both a dizzy mess and tumble onto the ground. Laughing, they get up and everyone else joins them.

"See, this is how you have fun." They continue dancing, only stopping for a second to watch as Max trips over the couch while doing his moonwalk.


Courtney sits on a chair, pretending to read a book. Their impromptu dance party a few days ago had been a hit, but now Leo's back to his gloomy self once again, and she doesn't like it.

She doesn't like how depressed he looks each time they do things as a group, be it attend classes or solve challenges. She knows it's because he misses Hayley, but it's not like she's dead or gone forever. Seriously, if she's his ex, her being gone shouldn't mess with him that badly, and he should start picking himself up.

She watches him as he walks aimlessly around the clubhouse, and sighs. If no-one's going to help him out of his funk, then she guesses she'll have to.

Getting up, she goes to him by their lockers. "Hey Leo," she taps him on the shoulder. "I'm bored. What do you guys do for fun here?"

"Well, you could go down to the beach for a swim, or do experiments in one of the science labs. The computer labs are also available if you feel like coding something. And I think the Eagles don't have practice right now, so you could use the gym if you want..." Leo begins to explain.

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