The God Of Time - A Prologue

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There is a legend, a story told to me long ago, of a so called God of time. An immortal being older than the stars themselves. A wanderer of space and time and protector of our world since it's formation in the dusts of the universe billions of years ago.
Savior of all our lives countless times over and we never even knew they were there.
I would soon come to learn that this being went by many names, across millions of worlds and thousands of lifetimes. But I knew her under just one title - The Doctor

Nobody knows her real name, and I don't think we ever will. She is The Doctor and she always will be - A traveler of the stars and and fighter of the monsters within them, oh yes there are monsters within the stars above your heads at night and not all of them come in peace. How do I know this? Because I've seen them, fought them, defeated them, alongside The Doctor.

There are things out there in the deep dark black of space that you would never think possible. Entire planets made of diamond, galaxies filled with life, creatures made of Firestone others made of pure light pulled from the stars. The most beautiful things imaginable - but also the darkest most evil things imaginable. Creatures created by a madman, hell bent on wiping the universe clean of anything that wasn't exactly like them, others so terrifying that you can't even look upon their skin or you will be turned to dust.

The Doctor showed me all of this - and it scared me to death. But no matter how scared I would get or how impossible the evil before us, The Doctor would always be there to save the day - Always

Bringing with her the wheezing, groaning sound of hope in the darkness - The TARDIS - Time and Relative Dimension In Space - The sound of the engines will always be heard by those who need her most, the greatest ship in the universe and behind it's brilliant though faded blue doors - the greatest, kindest being in the universe with two hearts of pure gold and an energy matched by nothing. Whenever people ask for help, she never refuses and she never asks to be thanked - she is eternal and forever and long after we are gone, she will still be there, watching over those who come after and those who came before.

The Doctor and The TARDIS - All of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will, every star and every planet - Where shall we begin?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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