Parental Pressure

22 6 4

Let's face it, the parents of this generation are shitty at doing their job as parents

I honestly can't believe that they think they have the right to be surprised or angry at their children for self-harming, watching porn, reading porn, having sex underage, cheating, smoking, or drinking. Like, come on, with your parenting, what the hell did you expect?

I've seen so many parents force their children into participating in contests and expecting them to win, or just make them join some kind of course without their consent, or be disappointed in them if they don't win first prize

I've also seen good parents, who don't care about the outcome, but the process. I envy those children and have seen children envy them

Many negative impacts occur on the children too, like the ones down below:

Higher rates of mental illnesses: Kids who feel like they're under constant pressure can experience constant anxiety. High amounts of stress can also place children at a greater risk of developing depression or other mental health conditions

Higher risk of injuries: Athletes who feel a lot of pressure might continue to participate in sports despite injuries. Ignoring pain or returning to a sport before an injury has healed could lead to permanent damage.

Increased likelihood of cheating: When the focus is on achievement rather than learning, kids are more likely to cheat. Whether it's a young child catching a glimpse of a classmate's answer on a test, or a college student paying someone to write a term paper, cheating is common among kids who feel pressure to perform well.

Self-esteem problems: Pushing kids to excel can damage their self-esteem. The constant stress to perform interferes with children's identity formation and causes them to feel like they're not good enough-or even that they will never be good enough.

(Information Credits:

Also, have you ever been through the situation of you trying to do something but fail, and your family laughs at you?

That kind of humiliation can also lower the self-esteem of the child and lead her/him to develop stage fright or social anxiety

So, I think we can all agree that before you become a parent, READ ARTICLES ON HOW TO PARENT OR WATCH VIDEOS ON WHAT NOT TO SAY

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