XI. A Drug that Only Worked

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Regulus kept his promise to James. He spent more time with the group of Marauders, though it all mainly happened in the library like they had done previously. It had gone smoothly and like James had told him, Sirius did seem rather happier with his brother's presence around him. 

There was only one small flaw. Peter Pettigrew seemed to be absolutely terrified of Regulus. He would practically squeak anytime the younger boy attempted to talk to him. Regulus was even sure that he had seen the mousy boy flinch when Regulus handed him back his book that he had dropped off the table. 

It had hurt the cold and reserved Black more than he would've liked it admit. Mere months ago, it would not have mattered to him and he might have even found it amusing. Now, however, Regulus wanted to fit as perfectly into James and Sirius's world as he could to please them both. Peter being so utterly frightened by the mere presence of Regulus was going to do the exact opposite of that. 

Regulus feared it might even remind the two that Regulus came from a long line of pure-blood supremacists, who he refused to leave, and would defend their dear Peter against him. This would - of course- leave Regulus sad and alone once more. Likely the way things should be, Regulus figured. It would still be that way if it wasn't for the obnoxious, messy-haired boy who sat across from him in the library. 

The five boys had gathered, the four older to study for a test. Peter sat as far from Regulus as he could across the table and on the other corner. Emily had even come to join them later that day, dropping into the chair at the head of the table nearest Regulus and James. 

"Reg," she said with a dramatic sigh. "I am in desperate need of help." 

He looked up from the Potions homework he had been doing to raise his eyebrow at her. 

"Not here!" she hissed at him, looking wildly at the four Gryffindors staring at her. "It's private!"

"Ooh! Is this about your crush on a Lily Evans?" James asked excitedly, though he made sure to keep his voice down so only the table heard him. 

"What?" Remus said in shock. 

"Your Lily, James?" Sirius asked stunned. 

"You're lesbian?" Peter asked in a tone that confused Regulus, who glanced at him. Peter seeing the younger Black's stare, hurriedly looked down at the table to avoid his eyes. 

"You told him, Reg!" Emily cried at the boy in a whiny voice. 

"James practically forced it out of me!" Regulus defended himself. 

"Lily isn't my Lily, Sirius. I told you already I'm over the childhood crush I had on her." 

"So, is that it?" Remus asked softly. "It's about Lily?" 

"Yes!" Emily moaned angrily. "Yes, please help me!"

"With what exactly, Em?" Sirius asked her. 

"I wanted to ask her to the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend, but I'm too scared! I've chickened out twice already," she groaned at herself. 

"You just need to get the courage and ask her," Sirius said matter of factly. 

"I don't remember it being that simple for you," Remus said with a dark chuckle.

Sirius's cheeks flared a deep red color deeper than any the group other than Remus had ever seen. 

"Well, I did it, didn't I," he muttered, crossing his arms and sliding down in his chair to pout. 

"While Sirius might have failed at getting the courage to calmly ask," Remus said, smiling at his boyfriend. "I do think it is the best way. As long as you don't change your mind multiple times after approaching her and then scream it for all of Hogwarts to hear." 

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