Chapter 1 - Sybbie

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I woke up to the noise of the curtains beeing open by Ana. Today I was oficialy 14. Today I was going to meet my mother.

I had been promised by my father over a thousand times that I could finally meet her at the age of fourteen. He thought I was too young when I asked him if I could go with him every single time he had gone to see her.

"Happy birthday Miss Sybil" Ana said as she opened the windows so a soft wind breze could come in. "Thank you Ana" I replied "Is Papa awake already?"."Yes Miss, Mr Branson is at the breakfast table with Lord Grantham" Ana gently did my hair and helpped me to get into my day dress.    "I will rush downstairs "

As I rushed out of my bedroom, I bumped into someone. I thought it was probably a maid. I was going to apologise when a very familiar voice spoke. "Sybbie, you should look out next time" said my cousin George playfully "but as today is your birthday, I will ignore that" I could sense the humor in his voice. "Come one George, I bet you can't get to breakfast before me." To this, George started to run, fast like light. It took me a while but I caught up with him.

We both streightened our cloths and indicated Thomas to open the door to the lunchroom. Granfather was siting at the top of the table, reading the paper, as usual. Papa was next to him. When I camed in, both of their faces lighted up with a big smile. "Happy birthday darling" said my father as i fell into his arms for a tender hugg. I turned to my granfather," oh Sybbie, look at you, you grow too fast. Happy birthday my dear girl." His words were followed by a kiss on the cheek. I blushed and thanked them both.

As I turned to Carson and smiled, he replied "Have a very happy birthday miss." "Thank you Carson" I replied and quickly finished my breakfast. This day was full of wonderfull things, and I could not wait any more for them to be here.

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