Chapter 2 - Tom

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My daughter had just turned 14. My beautiful Sybbie. I no longer had any excuse to not tell her about her mother. Her mother. Thousands of memories started to flood me, but I could not break down into tears, not now. I had all night to do that.

"Papa, when you finish breakfast please call for me." My daughter told me as she and her cousin got up and left. "So, today is the day?" Lord Grantham asked me curiously. "Yes, I can't see any way to not tell her, but I think she deserves and needs to now it." She realy needed to know this, I can't hide truth away forever. "You can do this, Tom." And he gentley pated me on the back.

As I left the lunchroom I told Thomas to call for Sybbie. Seconds later she was ready, by the door. "I think you ought to take this" Lady Grantham said softly as she gave a bunch of Sybil's favourite flowers to my daughter. "Thank you grandma" repiled Sybbie, kissing her on the cheek.

Sybbie rushed to the car. Lady granthan gave me a warm smile "Enjoy, Tom"

I could sense Sybbie's excitement as the car started its jurney to the graveyard. I had done this by myself so many times, and now I was glad I had the thing I valued the most with me. "Are we there yet?" Sybbie asked. "A few more minutes"

I got out of the car and helpped Sybbie out. We started to walk into the graveyard.

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