Chapter Fifty-Seven: As the Wind Blows

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The young Ember walked closely behind Festus through the tunnels beneath the Sanctuary. They were going deeper into Ash Mountain than he'd ever ventured before straight to the Inner Sanctum where the High Priest presided. He was admonished to be on his best behavior since Lestor was still recovering from wounds inflicted on what had become known as the Night of Terrors. He knew they weren't being summoned for any bad reason but being called into such a hallowed place was still an anxious experience. Nick, Adelais and Blair all waited for them within and they had similar reasons for being called.

They entered the room and Drake was astonished by the architecture. The High Priest's Sanctum was a long chamber made of roughly hewn dark stone with various alcoves of different size and shape along the wall, containing the urns. The ashes of the former top Flame Weavers. A long red carpet led up to a high stone throne adorned with purple cushions. Lestor, still bandaged up, sat upon it. Two blazing torches were on either side of him with the Phoenix perched upon the left arm of his chair. A few Purple Flame council members were gathered around him as well. Blair, Adelais, and Nick, now in acolyte robes, stood before the throne. Simon and Avis were also standing to the side.

Festus approached and bowed deeply. "Sorry about the delay, your eminence, I was just giving Drake some last minute pointers before his test.

"It's fine," the High Priest said, giving his iron skullcap a lazy adjustment. "Though the way I hear it you may not even need the test. I was considering merely giving you a field promotion."

Drake bowed lower. "If it's all the same, sir, I'll take the test. I'm certain to pass either way."

His exploits at the palace had ended up somewhat exaggerated, in part due to Hiro, who hadn't even been there, and because of the stone which in had been in his possession until recently. He'd reluctantly returned it to Jan. Though he wasn't sure where he'd gotten it, Jan had trusted it to him and keeping it to use on his test was too tempting. Better to leave it the Fen's hands where it could do no harm.

"Fair enough," Lestor said. "We'll have you tested by the day's end. Though I do think your teacher is due for a promotion. You could've gotten into a lot of trouble, but your efforts prevented what was already a catastrophe from getting worse, so take it before I change my mind." He reached beside his chair, grabbed a navy colored Sentinel's robe, and chucked it at the bewildered Festus.

"It's been fitted to your measurements, but you'll be responsible for getting any spares. Also, I expect to see some fruits from that research of yours within the next year if you want to keep being funded," the High Priest continued in disinterested tone.

"T-thank you, your eminence. I'm sure you'll be impressed with my work," Festus gushed, bowing so low his large nose nearly touched the floor. Drake had to help him straighten up.

"Just make sure you do," the head Flame Weaver said. "And as for you, Blair. If you get involved in something so reckless again, I swear I'll promote you too!"

For a moment, the old woman looked aghast at the possibility of losing her nickname but hid it well. She also bowed and thanked Lestor for his concern.

"It's fine," the High Priest sighed. "You and Drake may go now. We still have business with the others. I'll send Festus along shortly for the Initiation Test."

He and Blair gave another bow before departing the Sanctum. He spared a glance at Nick on the way out was sweating nervously and fiddling his hands. The jester had reason to be anxious, Drake supposed. Being a rogue pyromancer for all those years meant he wouldn't trusted. He'd be lucky not to be shipped off to Blazing Spire Temple. Though from what Festus had let slip, Nick was quite good for someone who had little to no formal training. The Order wouldn't want to let him go.

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