Chapter Forty-Two: Festival Chores

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After composing a letter to his mother, Drake waited eagerly in the atrium for Festus to return so he could tell his mentor about the written test results. And he waited and waited. By the time Festus did get back, it was well into the night and he seemed off balance. He must have found a new place to drink.

Despite himself, Drake still rushed over to get his attention. It took a few vigor tugs on the sleeves and pushes to get the old man to where the results were posted. Festus squinted to make out the name on the list and smiled smugly when he saw him near the top.

"Always knew you had it in you." He gave Drake a proud pat on the shoulder.

"Of course, you did sir. All thanks to your teaching," he said only half sarcastically. Festus had proved a much more able teacher than expected. It wasn't he lacked knowledge; it was more that he lacked patience for mistakes and a rather hands-off approach to instruction.

"That's right!" The Flare said brightly. "And I've got a special treat for tomorrow. We're going to festival! How about that?"

"You're not just saying that now, only to forget about it later?" he asked, trying to hide his excitement at the declaration.

"I'm offended," Festus replied, straightening out his posture. "I never forget a thing."

"Yes. You do." Drake added. "But I could use the break even if it means less time for the practical exam."

"Psssh, If anything you're overly prepared. The test should be no problem," his teacher assured.

"If you say so," he said doubtfully as they made their way up toward their rooms. "I never pegged you as the social type. Why the sudden interest in the festival? Is it the alcohol?"

"Don't be rikdiculous," Festus slurred. "Can't a man spend a bit of time with his favorite student without all these questions?"

"I'm your only student," Drake corrected him.

He threw up his hands. "Fine. You got me. I had a few errands to run and I need you and your friends help to get everything done in a timely manner."

This only caused Drake to groan. He was nearly smacked by Festus for his impertinence, but the old man was too slow, and he ducked under the swing. Festus stumbled but quickly caught himself.

"If you keep up that attitude, I won't buy you a torch tomorrow," he said in his best attempt to be stern. Really the threat was rather impotent.

"Alright," Drake answered. "Let's just get it over with."

They went their separate ways to turn in for the night. Having one less thing to worry about, Drake found himself falling asleep far easier than usual. Before he knew it, there was a pounding on the door, and he was once more face-to-face with his teacher. Festus smiled eagerly and handed him several sacks filling what he could guess were cloths and a few other heavier items.

"I'm not going to carry these around all day, am I?" he strained to balance out the weight.

"No, just for some it. I'll need you to stand in line for some paperwork. It wouldn't do to have you lugging sacks into the Civil Bureau. They might throw you out. We'll be dragging your friend Hiro along as our pack mule. I'll need Simon and Nadia as well. Unfortunately, the twins are on an assignment as is Kaitlin. I'm not gonna make you go dragging favors from people you don't know, so we'll have to make do," Festus explained.

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