Chapter 5

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When they got back to the house sat down on the couch. All they thought was what they were going to do next. Everything was was going to be different without Alonso around. As they sat on the couch all they saw was the decorations, food, and the banner that said,"Thank you for everything". Looking at all the stuff Alonso put up made Wyatt and Dez sad. Their hearts were broken over their best friend gone. Every time they looked at the banner all they thought of was his smile, his laugh, his love and kindness, and most of all his dedicated friendship. They knew they would never see or hear Alonso ever again, except in their memories. They got up from the couch and started to take down the decorations except for the banner. They left it up so they never forget the one who would be by their side in an instant. After they took down the decorations and put away everything Wyatt started to get the funeral ready for Alonso. Wyatt wanted to do something special. He thought of something great for the funeral. Wyatt drove to the hospital and sneaked Alonso's body out of the hospital and put him in the car. He drove home and put Alonso in a body bag and placed him in the old rocket. Wyatt packed all his stuff and so did his wife and son. When they put their stuff in the rocket Wyatt ran to Dez's house and asked if she wanted to live on the moon with his family and do the funeral there. She thought about it for a few minutes and agreed with his decision. So Dez packed her stuff and put it in the rocket too. Wyatt and his wife Bethany got in the rocket first. The Wyatt's son and Dez got in next. As they closed the door Wyatt started the engine and flew into space. With the rocket Wyatt had it took a month to get to the moon. When they landed on the moon the rocket broke down and never worked again. The first thing they did was do they funeral for Alonso. Dez and Bethany dug the grave and Wyatt made the tombstone. On the tombstone Wyatt put,"RIP Alonso 1964-2015". Wyatt also put a phrase on the tombstone that Alonso used to always say. That phrase was,"The ones that love us, never truly leave us". They all cried at the funeral. Everyone said their prayers and said their good byes. After the funeral they went to the house were Alonso once stayed before and improved the house with materials from the rocket. After they finished the house they lived there for years. In those years they fixed the garden and started a new life on the moon. Eventually Wyatt, Bethany, and Dez past away and the son was the only one left on the moon. Thats right I never told you the sons name. Well the son buried his parents and Dez. Eventually he was all alone. The son found a telescope and looked threw it for years. One day he meet a young boy. They got paper and the son said,"Hi my name is Alonso".

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