Chapter 2

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Alonso started to think that he lost a friend. He grabbed papers and pencils and started to look for his friend Wyatt but he was no where to be found. Alonso looked for 7 years and never found him. Now lets talk about what happened to Wyatt. Wyatt got a girlfriend in high school but she wasn't the problem. In high school Wyatt had straight A's in all classes for all 4 years. After high school Wyatt got a 10 year degree for college to be a science technician. Wyatt was there for 7 years studying and building something. Wyatt never forgot about Alonso. Alonso was always on his mind. The only reason why Wyatt got good grades and went to college was because of Alonso. Wyatt went to college because he wanted to build a rocket to go to the moon and bring Alonso down to Earth. Wyatt didn't want Alonso to be lonely anymore. So thats what he did. He built a rocket and flew to the moon. Alonso was on still on the moon looking for Wyatt but he was about to give up. Then Alonso saw something bright coming toward the moon. The more he looked the more he noticed it was a rocket. When Wyatt landed on the moon Alonso was curious about who was inside of it. Alonso looked at the rocket and then a door open and Alonso noticed it was wyatt. Alonso ran to Wyatt as fast as he could with tears in his eyes. When he got to Wyatt he hugged him and said,"I thought I lost you forever". Wyatt replied,"I left to go to college so i can build a rocket to come see you. Now i'm here to take you to earth so you can meet as many people as you want". Alonso couldn't believe it. Alonso ran to the rocket and waited for Wyatt to take him to Earth so they can go meet lots of people.

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