A new life

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When I walked outside of my house the people still had their guns but they weren't pointing them at me anymore.
I shot all of them a nasty glare as I walked by

My dad opened up one of the black van doors and held his hand out to indicate that I was supposed to climb in, I started at the door
Where were they going to take me?..
Will, I ever come back to my home in the woods?
I glanced at my dad and walked towards the house

"You're supposed to cooperate," my dad said to my turned back
"Yeah well I forgot something inside" I mumbled and continued to walk up the steps and into the house.
Once I was inside alone panic overtook my body I started hyperventilating
"WhatamIgoingtodoohmygoshthisiscrazy" I gasped under my breath
"Oh my Gosh oh my Gosh oh my gosh! I have to tell someone!"

I scanned my house there was nothing I could do to contact anyone my dad was the only one I knew who had a phone and even if I did get ahold of it what was I going to do!?

I ran my hands through my hair stressed
That's who I had to tell them he knew what I should do. But so little time
That was my dad outside I heard his heavy footsteps crunch on the leaves outside as he neared the house
What to do what to do?!

I looked around the room again, kitchen, living room, bookshelf.
My eye caught on a thick red book the golden letters spelled out
The beauty of acting
I had to act my way out of this. Dad was walking up the steps my eyes flashed to the lock on the door it twisted and locked, dad tried the door
It didn't open

"Elizabeth! Open this door!"
I ran to the sink and pressed my finger to the tap,
some of the remaining water that was hanging on dripped onto my finer I brought it up to the corners of my eyes to make it look like I was crying.
I rubbed my nose violently so that it was slightly red. Because when you cry your face turns slightly red.
Then I laid down on the couch and curled into a ball.

Dad had a few of the men break the lock which came of with a loud crack,
A mix of fear and anger ran through me I could suddenly feel the strange grip on everything again I ignored my instincts telling me to use my powers to overpower my dad and the men, doing that made me tremble

"She's over here!" one of the men yelled
The strange grip on everything sharpened as my dad neared me I made whimpering sounds
"Elizabeth, please calm down," my dad said rubbing my back
"Tell me what's wrong"
What a stupid question I thought
I shifted my head slightly so that I was looking at my dad. I saw his eyes flicker with alarm when he saw me crying
"Dad, I-" I tucked my head back under my arms and started to tremble
"Oh God, Elizabeth just talk to me"

I knew why he was freaking out he hated when I cried I taught myself to never cry in front of him
And so till this moment I hadn't cried in front of him in a very long time.

"It was all part of your plan wasn't it?" I mumbled
"What?" dad asked startled
I lifted my head eyeing him
"The shoplifting. You taking the extra wine bottle the car being there,"
"I don't know what-"
"It wasn't the cop that was in the car, the man..."
I searched the room that was filed with the men who took down the door with my dad,
one of them...
One of them had the same energy as the man in the truck, I used my power to push him forward gently as I did, he stumbled forward.
"Him, he was the one in the truck" I looked at my dad again, his cheeks lost their color but he looked calm he didn't say anything so I continued

"You wanted to see if I was strong enough to control my power that's why you've been training me in these woods. Training me like a lab rat-"
"Elizabeth, your overreacting"
"Am I? Dad" I said real tears forming.
My dad took me by my shoulders and nodded "just calm down and come with us we are going to fix everything"
My lower lip trembled "you tie me to my bed-"
"You hide me away from humanity!" my voice was rising
"Elizabeth stop..." my dad was also starting to tremble
"You point guns at me!!" I shrieked

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