Ch:2 Niall's P.O.V

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We're playing on the football in the rain on the middle of the soccer field when Louis takes the ball from Harry and kicks it to the other side of the field we all go chasing after it when they start shouting like the mad men they really are. "Wait!" "WATCH OUT!!" I finally catch up and become a mad man. It's about to hit a girl her long hair is covering her face shes listening to music or something because I can see a cord. She looks up and just stares at it. When it hits her we slow down knowing we're useless now. "WAIT!? Really Louis the ball isn't going to "wait" for you. For gods sake!" I scream at him. When I get there Harry's bent over her. Liams shouting at Louis We stand around her waiting for some reaction. I think She opens her eyes because I hear. "she lives on! she's awake!" "shut up louis!" " don't look into the light!" we all begin to ask her questions. "what's your name!" "how many fingers am I holding?" "do you need CPR?" "everything's gonna be alright it's me your boyfriend" "shut up harry!" I yell at him then smack his arm. He responds with "Ow, sorry couldn't help my self." Liam finally shuts us up leans over her and says "are you okay?" yes i just love being hit by balls"I can't help but laugh at what she says. I hear liam say"be serious" he's really worried. " no I'm not I just got hit by a ball member?" atleast she remembers something. " and who the hell are you idiots?" together we say "we're one direction." I was expecting her to fangirl or atleast say "REALLY", instead we get a " is that supposed to fasinate me in someway?" she Really suprised me. Harry whispers "you hit her harder than I thought." to Louis. He expects special treatment sometimes. We all introduce ourselves "I'm Louis." "Zayn." "Harry. " "Niall. " "Liam". She tries to sit up she's about to fall back but I catch her. "emm thanks." I hear her soft yet raspy voice say, making me smile. "No problem." she turns around a sees me smile. "help her up Niall." obeying Harry I pick her up. I smile when I see how short she is. I see Harry start to brush off all the stuff that had stuck on her hoodie. I see her jump forward like he's going to tackle her or something. She mumbles " please don't touch me." I guess I'd be like that if I'd be in her grey converse. "oh I'm sorry." Liam breaks the silence with "we're really sorry we didn't mean to hit you." "I was actually hoping you didn't." " so which one of you hit me?" I turn to the culprit. He looks at the ground,then up and back down again to meet her eyes. "I'm really sorry I didn't think anyone else was on the field." then opens his arms expecting a hug and adds "do you forgive me?" "yeah It's fine." she says making him smile. He steps forward to get his hug, when she quickly ducks to the side. "no need for a hug, I forgive you." everyone likes hugs, I wonder if I wore my "free hugs" shirt she'd reject me too. He tries again by adding"I don't bite." "I'm fine with not finding out." he finally gives up and puts his arms down. I feel bad for him. She starts to brush herself off then picks up her shirt to wipe her injured head. Suddenly Zayn notices something and says "what happened to you?" we all turn to see the scar thats on her waist. "I got hit by your friend." Harry steps closer and touches her deeply scarred waist. She jumps back. "sorry I forgot no touching ..... what's your name?" now that I think about it she didn't tell us her name. "emm..... I got scratched." "by ...." I add. "by a cat yeah, it left a scar, I know." I know the lads didn't believe her I certainly didn't. Liam takes over and says 

"no need to lie." she just looks down. "yeah, we won't lie to you. Right guys." "yeah." "ofcourse." "swear." "affirmitive." "amen." She looks up and smiles trying not to laugh when she hears 'amen' our eyes meet "i Promise." I say i'm hoping she'll trust us. she covers her hip then continues to wipe her face. I feel bad,we made her feel uncomfortable more than she was already. "Ow!" she yells obviously in pain. A concerned Zayn immediatley asks "what's wrong?" "I should get some ice on this it's starting to hurt." then quickly turns around runs off. Harry shouts"Wait." but she doesn't wait, just like when Louis shouted at the ball. She isn't going to wait. We see her stop then leans forward and pukes on the grass before running off again. "do you think she's pregnant?" asks Harry . "I'd be sad if she is,she looks kinda young." adds Louis. "it's probably because of how hard Louis hit her or something ." The lads start to leave when I notice what she was doing before she was attacked with Louis' muddy ball. I pick up an iPod and Sony head phones. Wiping the dirty screen she was listening to Ed Sheeran "The A Team." on loop. Louis runs back "hurry up I'm gonna miss The Regular Show. What you'd find?" I show him. "we should come back tomorrow and see if she's here tomorrow. And bring her her stuff." he says. " yeah.".

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