The Way She Is Ch. 1

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Ch: 1


Oct 14 12:57 PM

As usual I get to my spot at the park around sunset. The rain beginning to pour down,I loved the rain. Rain in July most girls don't like that . I Sit Next to the soccer goal, the isolated part of Great Lash park. I sit with my back leaning against the cold wet pole. I put on my Sony head phones and play the a team by Ed Sheeran,he's the best singer/song writer, to me at least. Beginning to read my book tuning out the noises of this city parents yelling at their children. Cars honking. I hear a lot of Muffled shouting, as I look up I see a soccer ball flying through the air toward me. I've never had fast reflexes one time an old lady passed out at a yard sale. I just froze staring as everyone was running and some pregnant lady shouting at me to Do Something. Today my reflexes were no different from that day. I just stare and wait as the ball slams into my forehead above my right eye. Causing me to fly back and smack my head against the very hard soccer field. After Laying there for about 5 minutes I wake up to a green eyed brown haired guy. "she lives on! She's awake!" " shut up Louis!" " don't look into the light!" " what's your name?" "how many fingers am I holding?" "do you need CPR?!" " everything's gonna be alright it's me your boyfriend." " shut up Harry!" " Ow! Sorry couldn't help myself." All Their yelling makes my head hurt even more. After all that only one guy is hovering above me. "are you okay?" he asks. "yes, I just love it when I get hit by balls." I hear snickering behind me. "be serious." " no, I'm not i just got hit by a ball member? and who the hell are you idiots? and why'd you hit me!" "We're one direction" they say in unison. They all stare at me, as if waiting for a reaction. "Is that supposed to fascinate me in some way?" "you hit her harder than I thought." curly whispers to stripes."I'm Louis" boy with stripes. "zayn" black haired boy. "Harry" curly haired one. "Niall" blondie. "Liam" brown haired one. I try to sit up but fall back into someone's arms. "emm... Thanks." "no problem" I slowly turn around I see blondie smiling down at me. "help her up Niall." the curly one says. Slowly I'm raised back up to my feet,looking extremely short next to these guys. Im suddenly being brushed off from behind I jump forward. "please don't touch me." I say quickly " oh I'm sorry." says curly. I think Liam begins to say "We're really sorry we didn't mean to hit you." " I was Actually hoping you didn't." "So which one of you hit me?" I look around and see everyone looking at stripes who's shoulders and head are looking down. He finally looks up and then back down to make eye contact I'm kinda short. " I'm really sorry, I didn't think anyone but us were on the field." he says opening his arms. " do you forgive me?" "yeah it's fine." he smiles then steps forward, I duck and move to the right. "no need for a hug, I forgive you." "I don't bite." "I'm fine with not finding out." his smile disappears and his hands fall back down to the side. I begin to brush myself off finally getting to my face feeling some mud on it I lift the bottom of my shirt up to rub it off when. " what happened to you?" the black haired on asks. "I got hit by the ball by your friend." "not that, means there." Curly's warm hand lightly touches my cold hip. I jump back when I feel his hand. " sorry I forgot,no touching.... what's your name?" I ignore Curky's Question and say "emmm i got scratched." "by a...." Niall adds. "by a .... cat ... yeah, it left a scar I know." worst excuse ever,they knew I was lying. " no need to lie." says Liam. I look down. "yeah, we won't lie to you. Right guys?" Niall says. Followed by a series of "yeah", "Ofcourse"," swear", "affirmative", "amen" I smile and look back up when I hear amen. "I promise". I try to ignore their lies and cover my hip with left hand and with my right begin to wipe the mud off forehead. "Ow!" "what happened?!" asks the one with the black hair. "I should get some ice on this,it's Starting to hurt." I say quickly turning around and running off. I Hear Someone yell "wait" but I just can't. When I'm almost on the sidewalk I bend over and throw up. I just keep on going.

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