Prologue: Present Day

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'Do you want to know what the most beautiful thing in the world is? It's called a thicka'moor tree. Here it's just some common weed, lost and forgotten. Most people let the name drift out of their minds, because why care? But there, across the tear-'

A subtle knock interrupted the elderly woman's haste scribbling's. She swiveled around in her desk chair to face the door, positioning herself to hide the papers.

Across the room entered a bright-eyed nurse carrying a tray of medical supplies. Her bushy, red hair was pulled back, but a few stray strands still fell in front of her eyes. She wore a cheerful smile.

"Good morning Adrian." she greeted. Setting the tray on the bedside table, she noticed the papers, "I see you're up to your stories again. You do remember what Dr. River said about that, don't you?"

"I am not crazy, and I don't want any of those pills. They make my head all fuzzy." Adrian puffed. Eyeing the nurse, she continued, "You're new here aren't you dear?"

"First week ma'am, but you met me yesterday." She replied as she removed a capsule from one of the containers.

"Yes, yes I recall it now. Sorry, I'm becoming senile in my old age. What's your name?"


"Katlin..." she muttered, than louder, "You have such beautiful hair. Mine used to be that vibrate color." Adrian stroked her light grey hair. Softly, she laughed. "I know I'm not crazy. I remember it too well for it to be a figment of my imagination. If I couldn't I would agree with Dr. River about my 'insanity'."

"Crazy about what?" Katlin inquired, dropping the pill back into the bottle.

"The other world." Adrian simply replied. There was a pause.

"What was this other world like?" Katlin caved as her curiosity got the best of her.

"More like what wasn't it like. It was dark, daring, adventurous, fun, and most of all, magical. There were monsters, dragons, fairies, and oracles. Life on Earth is so dull compared to my time in Oronian." Adrian sighed, "Now I do sound crazy."

Katlin wanted to know more. The old women's voice held her imagination captive. She set the medicine bottle back on the tray.

"Can you tell me more?" She asked despite her better judgment. Adrian's fingers mindlessly rubbed the ruby pendent of the necklace that was strung across her neck. Her gaze seemed vacant. Katlin repeated herself. This drew Adrian's attention back to the small room.

"It's an enchanting tale." Adrian smiled, although a subtle smirk could be seen underlining her warm gaze. Katlin seated herself at the end of the twin-sized bed.

"I have time. You were the last person of my morning shift."

"Then I will tell you how it all started...with a crazy old lady and a thicka'moor tree."

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