Chapter Ten: Not All the Same

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Hours had past since they’d been locked in.  They tried everything to escape the room.  Something in the wood prevented Traveller’s magic from working and their collective strength wasn’t enough to break open the door.  Night quickly fell over them.  Adrian sat exhausted with her back against the door.  Luna paced furiously as Traveller laid on the bed tiredly.

“They can’t do this to us!” Luna fumed.

“You’ve been saying that since we’ve been locked in here.” Adrian groaned.  She paused in her pacing to glare at Adrian.

“There has to be something we can do.  I am not going to become some burnt offering for lost souls.  I’m to important for that.” Luna began pacing once more, only for Traveller to reply with a groan.

“Luna with that pacing you’re going to tread right through that floor.” Traveller said as he sat up.  Luna turned to him.

“Do you think that will work?”

“No.” Adrian banged her head against the wooden framing. “That won’t work.  You are just being ridiculous now.”

Luna sighed as she collapsed on the tiling. 

“What are we going to do?”

Together they sat in silence, waiting.  Minutes ticked to hours until the sun lighted the sky again.  Hungrily, Adrian groaned.

“Are they at least going to feed us?” she commented.  Nobody replied but silently they agreed.  Behind the door, Adrian heard the light patter of small feet trudging up the stairs.  Her back became ridged as she listened.

“Do you hear that?” Adrian whispered.  They focused their attention on the footsteps.  Each step was light, like a child’s.  The noise continued till it reached the door to their temporary.  There was a quick tap on the door.  None of them answered.

“Um.” The voice was hush and soft.  “I’m not supposed to be talking to you folk- I mean I’d get in lot’s of trouble.”

“No duh kid.” Luna muttered, crossing her arms.

“What’s your name?” Adrian inquired warmly.

“I’m- I- My name’s Frank.” He stuttered.

“How old are you Frank?”

“More like, Why are you here Frank?” Luna grumbled under her breath.  Ignoring Luna, Adrian waited for Frank’s voice.

“I’m seven.”

“Hi Frank.  I’m Adrian and I’m sixteen.” Adrian smiled even though Frank couldn’t see her. “My friends are Traveller, he’s the white-haired one, and he is sixteen too.  Isn’t that weird?  Old people are supposed to have white hair.”

“Hey!” Traveller protested.  Behind the door there was a giggle.

“And the mean one, with funny ears, is Luna.”

“I’m not mean!”

Another laugh came from the boy.

“How old is she?” Frank questioned.

“I don’t know actually.” Adrian glanced back to Luna.

“I’m seventeen.” Luna shouted loud enough for Frank to hear.

“What are you doing up here Frank?” Adrian asked.  There was a hush on both sides of the door.

“They want to hurt you, because you’re different from them.” Frank stuttered.  Traveller raised an eyebrow at the boy’s response.  Adrian’s curiosity spiked.

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